Cherie Correll
Guild Member Salon Show
Cherie Correll ABOUT: Art is for me an expression, interpretation, and reflec- tion of the world in which we live. In my own art, I explore the relationship between our natural environment and the human- made. This becomes a process of observation, experimenta- tion, and discovery. I work in a wide manner and a variety of media, including painting in oil, acrylic, and water media, col- lage, photography, printing, assemblage, and sculpture. The imagery is often abstract but also ranges into impressionism and realism. Cherie Correll was born and raised in Traverse City, Michigan and attended Central Michigan University and Michigan State University, graduating with a degree in Fine Arts and Art Education. Her Master’s Degree in Fine Art, with an emphasis in photography is from Central Michigan University. Correll’s teaching career began in the early 1970s with Traverse City Area Public Schools, and surrounding areas, including both private and public schools, along with teaching classes through Northwestern Michigan College. She has been an art educator, juror, and professional artist for over 40 years. Her post-graduate work in art has continued through Michigan State University, Eastern Michigan University, and workshops throughout the United States and Europe. Her work has been exhibited in numerous states, in private and corporate ven- ues and in Cardiff, Wales. She and her husband live near the crossroads of beautiful Benzie, Leelanau, and Grand Traverse counties. THIS YEAR: The focus of my work this past year has been more directed and serious. I have been compelled to spend creative time in the studio concentrating on expressing per- sonal thoughts dealing with global concerns... the environment, health, politics. GALLERIES: Bella Galleria, Traverse City, MI CONTACT:
“Suggestion No. 1,” Mixed watercolor media, 2019, framed 20 x 27 in, $275.
“Pond,” Watercolor media, 2019, framed 25 x 19 in, $175.
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