HOT|COOL NO. 4/2021 - "Going Greener"

Type test of the casing produced from recycled HDPE In compliance with the European standard requirements, the casings of each production line using recycled plastics from external suppliers mandatorily must pass a so-called type test. The type test is concerning the requirements to the following parameters described in EN253:2019: • Carbon black content • Carbon black dispersion • Melt flow rate • Thermal stability (OIT) • Dimensions of the casing (nominal outside diameter, wall thickness) • Appearance and surface finish • Heat reversion • Stress crack resistance • Impact resistance Production units qualified for using recycled plastics from external sources LOGSTOR has qualified two production lines in the factory in Løgstør, thereby being able to use HDPE from external sources: • Axial Conti pipes in casing dimensions ø90 – 315 mm. In this production line, you find both single pipes and TwinPipes. The pipes are produced with aluminum diffusion barriers to ensure that the low lambda value and the heat loss proper- ties are not deteriorated and aged during the service life of the pipes. • Traditionally produced pipes in casing dimensions ø90 – 710 mm. In this production line, you find both single pipes and TwinPipes. We have carried out type tests according to the requirements of EN253:2019 on the casings of pipes with casings made of 100% recycled plastics from external sources. All tests were performed by the German test institute IMA, Dresden.

Test of elongation at break

in EN253:2019 on pre-insulated pipes with casings made of 100% recycled plastics from external sources by the two pro- duction lines in the factory in Løgstør: Axial Conti production and traditional production. So far, the approved recycled plastics have been qualified for use in the production of straight pipes. Casing joints and fit- tings will come later. Quality inspection of recycled plastics from external sources before production release The next step to secure the right quality of casing produced of externally sourced recycled HDPE is to implement in-depth quality control of the recycled HDPE before it goes into pro- duction. We test all recycled plastics from external sources following the requirements in the material specification and do not release the batch until all requirements in the test are met and documented. The supplier must deliver a 3.1 Certificate for every batch, documenting the results of each test and that the HDPE com- plies with the material specification. Some of these tests last four weeks, and until all tests are approved, we do not take the recycled HDPE material into production.

Test reports from IMA, Dresden on pipes The test reports document that we meet all requirements

Project RePURpose: LOGSTOR participates in the project RePURpose in co-operation with other companies and institutions. In the project RePURpose, the Reuse of PUR waste with simple chemical modifications and the Recycling of PUR waste using catalytic decomposition to monomers are researched. Link to

Research Projects about Recycling Materials LOGSTOR's journey towards a 100% circular economy has set off with the possibility of delivering pre-insulated pipes with casings produced of 100% recycled plastics from external sources. Still, research into the options of recycling polyurethane foam (PUR) and recycling industrial plastics, in general, is also carried out.

Steel is already recycled to a large extent today to produce e.g., new steel pipes.

26 HOTCOOL no.4 2021

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