HOT|COOL NO. 4/2021 - "Going Greener"

Casing joints are in all dimensions BandJoint weld joints.

The delivery period of the project is March 2020 – March 2022.

We use 100 tons recycled plastics from external sources to pro- duce the casings on the straight pipes for the entire project.

Until the standard change, we will handle casings produced of recycled plastics from external sources like in the project with Aalborg Forsyning, where we entered a specific agreement about delivering pre-insulated pipes with such casings. What will be the future opportunities? In 2021, more Danish energy companies have followed this green journey and are installing pre-insulated pipe systems where the casing is produced from external sourced recycled HDPE: • Lemvig Varmeværk, 2 km of TwinPipe ø26x26/140 – ø139x139/500 • Din Forsyning Esbjerg, 2 km of TwinPipe ø273/500 and ø323/560 • Hinnerup Fjernvarme, 6 km of TwinPipe ø33x33/180 – ø168x168/560 • Frederiksberg Forsyning, 0,5 km of SingePipe 219/355 • Løsning Fjernvarme, 9 km TwinPipe ø26x26/140 – ø139x139/500 There is an increased interest from Danish energy companies about pre-insulated pipes with casing produced from recycled plastic. The question is when we will see this movement start outside of Denmark. All energy companies have green agendas, so the new green product should be an exciting opportunity.

Test of stress crack resistance

Pilot project at Aalborg Forsyning In March 2020, LOGSTOR and the utility Aalborg Forsyning entered an agreement about a project that delivered pre- insulated pipes with casings, produced from 100% recycled plastics from external sources. The project comprises the pre-insulated pipe system, the entire distribution network, and branch pipes, supplying the houses in two small Danish towns. All homes supplied with individual natural gas as their heating source will convert to DH supply in these two towns. Aalborg Forsyning has had the highest focus on choosing a pipe system with the lowest possible heat loss during the service life of the entire system. So, the whole district heating distribution network is established as a TwinPipe system, and the project comprises more than 30 km TwinPipes in series 3 insulation class in dimensions ø33.7x33.7/180 – ø168.3x168.3/560. Pipes in casing dimensions up to ø315 are Axial Conti pipes with diffusion barriers to ensure good heat-insulating proper- ties during the service life of the pipe system, and larger di- mensions are traditionally produced pipes.

Branch pipes for house connections will be made as flexible branches with Alupex service pipes.

For further information please contact: Peter Jorsal,

Project ReInvent: LOGSTOR also participates in the project ReInvent in co-operation with other companies and institutions. The objective is to develop bio-based materials and fibers to replace oil-based polyurethane (PUR). Link to

Project Recycling of High-Quality Industrial Plastic RHQI: Finally, LOGSTOR also participates in the project "Recycling of High-Quality Industrial Plastic RHQI," a project under the Inno- vation Fund Denmark. This project aims to pave the way for recy- cling plastics used in industrial production by enabling 15,000 t industrial plastics to be recycled. It is impossible to recycle all industrial plastics today because recycled plastics have not been tested and certified. The project will increase the number of recycled plastics in DK by 30%.


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