HOT|COOL NO. 4/2021 - "Going Greener"

"That we at VEKS have reached the goal of 70% CO 2 reduction already in 2020, you can be proud of -

CP Kelco CP Kelco has, in collaboration with VEKS, developed a project where surplus heat covers the heating needs of 2,200 house- holds - connected to Koge District Heating. The focus was initially on lowering the noise level from CP Kelcos cooling towers, whose heating fans made noise when letting the excess heat blow away. This connection changed a burdensome noise problem to a surplus heat project, where VEKS today utilizes the surplus heat in the local district heating system instead of it being sent directly into the blue air in a noisy way as before. The effect of the CP Kelco project consti- tuted approximately 1.5% of VEKS' total heat purchases and was officially inaugurated on April 9, 2018, by then Minister Lars Christian Lilleholt. VEKS gas engine In the summer of 2015, gas production started at Solrod Bio- gas A / S, which annually produces approximately six million cubic meters of biogas for VEKS' gas engine in Solrod. VEKS is in- volved in the project as a buyer - of the biogas. At Solrod heat- ing plant, VEKS has built a building for this purpose, which houses a gas engine that produces green electricity for the electricity grid via a generator. Simultaneously, the gas engine is converting the cooling water into district heating for the VEKS system.

proud to be part of a community that over the past 30 years has had a sustained focus on green conversion. We are on target - and we will do even better in the coming years", says Lars Gullev, CEO at VEKS.

In the same year, VEKS bought the biomass-fired CHP plant in Koge, covering more than 10% of VEKS’ total heating needs. Since 2016, Denmark’s largest CHP plant, Avedore Power Plant, has produced heat on both blocks based 100% on sus- tainable biomass and thus displaced the fossil fuels coal and natural gas.

Plant and VEKS - economically attractive to convert Block 1 of Avedore Power Plant from coal to sustainable biomass.

VEKS' customers have reached the goal With the Climate Agreement from June 2020, a large major- ity in the Danish parliament decided that in 2030 Denmark should reduce CO 2 emissions by 70% compared to 1990. And where does VEKS stand concerning this goal? VEKS' supply area has already reached the national goal of reducing CO 2 emissions by 70% by 2030. CO 2 emissions from a district heating customer in VEKS' supply area were 58.22 kg / GJ, in 1990 while in 2020, we had reduced it to 14 kg / GJ. These numbers correspond to a decrease of 75.9% since 1990. Thus, district heating customers in VEKS' supply area are already in line with the national targets, which only apply for 2030. If you are using natural gas, the discharge from your home is still 56.5 kg CO 2 / GJ. This number largely corresponds to the CO 2 emissions of a district heating customer in VEKS' supply area in 1990. By converting from natural gas to district heating, it is possible to overtake the national CO 2 reduction targets of 70% immediately. VEKS projects supporting the green transition VEKS is involved in several projects that contribute to the green transition - you save resources and thereby reduce CO 2 emis- sions.

The surplus heat project at CP Kelco alone has resulted in an annual CO 2 reduction of approximately 10,000 tons compared to if the customers had continued to use natural gas for heating.

“VEKS’ gas engine generates around 25,000 MWh (25 million kWh) of green electricity annually. The heat from the gas en- gine covers 1% of VEKS’ total heat sales”. More on the way Over the years, VEKS has "collected heat" where it made sense, and more is on the way. In recent years, we have gained experience from a collaborative project on large heat pumps, which also involves VEKS, at the same time as large-scale geothermal energy in the metropoli- tan area is also a high-priority development area. VEKS will, together with Hoje Taastrup District Heating, put a 70,000 m3 water pit heat storage into operation in 2021/2022. The project has received EUDP support, which is the supply to support development projects by the Danish Energy Agen- cy. The heat storage unit will utilize the district heating even

That the biomass conversion on Block 1 alone has resulted in an annual CO 2 reduction of approximately 100,000 tons compared to heat production on coal.


HOTCOOL no.4 2021

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