Lucas County

UMADAOP Lucas County offers The StarQuest Youth Prevention Program which consists of structured, evidence-based, evening and weekend activities designed to promote and enhance developmental skills that will help youth strengthen their ability to make positive and healthy choices regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The StarQuest Youth Prevention Programs are also designed to help prevent students from failing academically, becoming involved in violence, delinquent activities, gang involvement and teen pregnancy. Who we serve The StarQuest program serves youth whose ages range from 11-17 that are growing up in neighborhoods where high poverty is the norm, where single families are headed by the mothers, where family alienation frequently occurs, where the dropout rates are high, and where there are high numbers of people unemployed. The program addresses common risk factors such as; substance abuse, school drop outs, delinquency, teen pregnancy, economic and social deprivation, early anti-social behavior, family histories of high risk behaviors, family cohesion issues, academic failure in elementary school, a lack of commitment in school, early signs of problem behaviors, and negative peer associates. While the youth seem to be able to cope with one or two risk factors there is conclusive evidence that shows having multiple risk factors increases a young person’s probability of becoming a high school dropout.


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