King's Business - 1942-04

April, 1942



GOD RUNS MY BUSINESS" THE STORY OF R. G. LeTOURNEAU By Albert W . Lorimer Just o ff the press. 10 ,000 copies already sold. Every American should read this amazing story.

Victorious Life Conferences for Youth Floyd B. and Mrs. Boice (Virginia Spurr, ’32) have been busy in a series of Victorious Life Bible and Music Conferences at the Glassell Park Bap­ tist Church, Eagle Rock Blvd. at W. Ave. 30, Los Angeles, Calif., where Mr. Boice is pastor. These sessions were held on the four Saturdays of March and were interdenominational. Cooperating p a s t o r s scheduled as speakers i n c l u d e d the following: March 7—Edward Wyckoff, Manches­ ter Baptist Church, and Harold Proppe, ’19, First Baptist Church, Hollywood; March 14—Otto Reese, B. Th. ’40, Lin­ coln Heights Baptist Church, and H. H. MacArthur, Fountain Avenue Bap­ tist. Church, Hollywood; March 21— Jack MacArthur, Eagle Rock Baptist Church, and John B. Neild, of the Union Rescue Mission, and March 28 —Arvid F. Carlson, ’39, Swedish Cov­ enant Church, Eagle Rock, Los An­ geles, Calif., and Walter Pegg, First Baptist Church, H u n t i n g t o n Park. Prior to each of the afternoon ses­ sions, Professor Elton M. Roth con­ ducted classes in mastering the art Ordinations Turner Blount, B. Th. ’41, was or­ dained to the gospel ministry on March 15 at the University Bible Church, Westwood Village, Los An­ geles, Calif. James R. and Mrs. Hayden (Vic­ toria A. McIntosh, ’39) have been serving at the headquarters of the Floating Society of Christian Endeav­ or, 127 Belt St., San Diego, Calif., where Mr. Hayden is superintendent. On March 1 he was ordained to the gospel ministry at the First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif. William Heath, ’41, and Paul J. Raynor, ’34, were ordained in services at the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles on March 11. Mr. Heath has been giving most of his time to evan­ gelism among children this year. Mr. Raynor, who was graduated from Wheaton College after his work at the Institute, is assistant pastor of the North Presbyterian Church of Cin­ cinnati, Ohio. Among Former Students Frank (’28) and Mrs. M a n n i n g (Augusta Balzer), members of the Africa Inland Mission on furlough in America, wrote of expecting to be in Southern California in March and April. Their mail address for this

I 'HE eagerly awaited story of a man whose faith literally rnttved mountains, of a man who placed the management of his affairs in God’s hands and is amazing the world with his business and evangelis­ tic success. Over a year in preparation; 192 pages of text; 68 illustrations. Price $1, postpaid. INTERSTATE EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, Inc. 1270 Sixth Avenue Dept C New York, N. Y.

Former Biola students now attend­ ing Eastern Baptist Theological Semi­ nary, Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa., include Eugene Crow, B. Th. ’41; Tom Major, B. Th. ’41; Wayne Roberts, B. Th. ’41, and Harry Woodard. Helen D. Whitney, ’28, 1210 E. 77th Place, Los Angeles, Calif., has been asked to serve as Director of Personal Evangelism for t h e reestablished Nurses Fellowship Society, an organi­ zation composed of Christian young women who are graduate nurses. Dyllis W. James, ’32, serves as secre­ tary of the group. Their object is to witness among other graduate nurses and among student nurses in training in various hospitals. A small publica­ tion entitled The Lamp is edited by Miss Whitney and is planned especial­ ly for distribution among nurses. Married Lester Yocum and Georgia McDavid, Feb. 22, Corona, Calif. Born To Sgt. Steve and Mrs. Bass (Jeanne Spurr)-, a daughter, Betty Jeanne, Jan. 23, Culver City, Calif. To J. Russell and Mrs. Davis (Mir­ iam J. Grubb, ’32), a son, John Rus­ sell, Jr., Feb. 17, Escondido, Calif. To Howard and Mrs. Fritsen (Ruth Larson, ’35), a son, Wayne Edwards, March 10, Los Angeles, Calif. To Raymond and Mrs. Kahle (Mary- Pearl Reinhard, ’36), a son, Ernest Gilbert, Feb. 13, Dallas, Tex. To J. Leland (B. Sac. Mus. ’39) and Mrs. Whitaker, a daughter, Nancy Lee, Jan. 10, Los Angeles, Calif.

of singing, choral and congregational song conducting, and choir problems.

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

period is 1218 N. Spring, Compton, Calif. E. L. Garvin, ’22, has been serving as pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyte­ rian Church, Fifth Ave. and Eighth St. So., Lethbridge, Alberta, Can., for the past three and a half years, after a six-year period as pastor in Selkirk, Man. At Lethbridge he has been en­ couraged particularly by the decis­ ions and spiritual growth among the young people. He has been Moderator of the Presbytery, a territory about equal in size to the southern part of California, from Santa Barbara south­ ward. Allon Spurr, ’32, founder of The Log Cabin Church, Downey, Calif., was scheduled to leave this spring for- an extended tour of the East. Harold Spurr, ’34, is a pharmacist’s mate at the U. S. Naval Base Hospital, San Diego, Calif., ¡where he finds many opportunities for witnessing for Christ. Edwards E. Elliott, ’34, and Robert G. Valentine are attending West­ minster Theological Seminary, Phil­ adelphia, Pa. Melvin J. (B. Th. ’40) and Mrs. Friesen (Helen E. Grieve), Box 95, Bandon, Ore., are serving in the First Baptist Church of Bandon, where Mr. Friesen is pastor.

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