7 Levels Deep EXERC I SE

The following is a sample for you to start with. It’s one of the most important exercises we can do to make sure we reach that next level. It’s to determine that ultimate driving force to accomplish anything in life.

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________


LEVEL 1: What is important to you about becoming successful?

LEVEL 2: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 2

LEVEL 3: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 3

LEVEL 4: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 4

LEVEL 5: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 5

LEVEL 6: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 6

LEVEL 7: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 7

7 Levels Deep EXERC I SE

The following is a sample for you to start with. It’s one of the most important exercises we can do to make sure we reach that next level. It’s to determine that ultimate driving force to accomplish anything in life.

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Dean Graziosi 01/01/2020


LEVEL 1: What is important to you about becoming successful?

I want to own a huge house one day

LEVEL 2: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 2 Own a huge house one day

I want my parents to be able to live with me

LEVEL 3: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 3 Have your parents live with you

I never want my parents to stress over money again

LEVEL 4: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 4 Never let your parents stress?

I want to show them how much I love them

LEVEL 5: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 5 show your parents love?

I want them to see how well rounded i’ve become

LEVEL 6: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 6 to seem well rounded?

So they know I made something of my life

LEVEL 7: Why is it important to you to ______________________________________ ? 7 I don’t want my parents to ever be disappointed in me like they always were growing up show them what you’ve become?

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