nies involved in the production and transport of dan- gerous goods is the mountain of regulations for which they must adhere. “Keeping customers informed about changing regula- tions is the most challenging part of our jobs,” said Mike Kaufman,Vice President, Production and Technol- ogy with Labelmaster.“We spend every bit as much, if not more, time talking with our customers about com- pliance issues than we do about our products.” “The value of compliance is of immeasurable im- portance,” said Mike Brown, Senior Marketing Manag- er. “Our goal is to help our customers’ businesses grow as we help them meet and exceed what is ex- pected of them in terms of regulations.” Kaufman worked at Labelmaster from 1995 to 2000 and then returned to the company in 2013.The pace of change since he’d been gone is daunting, but he feels it’s been the most rewarding element of his new position in the company.“The pace of change is amazing,” he said.“The world is much quicker paced, which means we must react accordingly and we can- not make any mistakes. “As technology advances,” said Kaufman,“so do cus- tomer demands.We must be prepared to offer quick- er turnaround times without sacrificing in quality.” The ability to continue to meet customer expecta-
the company introduced placards for trucks signify- ing there were hazardous materials onboard. In 1970, the company introduced Spacemaster ® 100, a flip placard system familiar to all motorists that allows trucks and tankers to display various signage indicating the vehicle is transporting dangerous goods.The system has become an invaluable tool for first responders, alerting them to the contents on the truck when arriving on the scene of accidents. One of the company’s key technological break- throughs came about in the mid 1990s when a multi- national delivery service approached the company asking for guidance.The delivery service was having difficulty shipping dangerous goods and the compa- ny found itself in the position of having to refuse any hazmat packages. To combat this problem, Labelmas- ter developed and introduced MasterForm, a comput- erized form filler and checker. Expanding Base Labelmaster currently counts more than 70 Fortune 100 among its customer base and serves more than 500 industries in total. Last year, the company printed 125 million individual labels and 8.1 million individ- ual placards. Without question, the biggest obstacle for compa- Labelmaster Installs Nilpeter ( Cont’d from Page 3)
(Cont’d on Page 7)
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