

Jonathan Estabrooks

along to classic Elton John or Roy Orbison albums, music was in our blood.” He started formal training at age eight, and joined the Opera Lyra Ottawa boys’ choir. He later joined adult choirs and per- formed with a growing community musi- cal theatre group, the Company of Musical Theatre, with the late Peter Evans. Why choose

audience and their interest level.” Winning a scholarship to Juilliard sur- prised him.“It was the very last of about five masters school auditions. I never went in expecting to be accepted, I simply wanted to share my art with the panel. I was both shocked and honoured when I was accep-

networking experiment with it, by crowd- sourcing through Kickstarter. The campaign ends July 15, on his 30th birthday, and must raise $25,000 or it will receive no funding at all. To see his project go to and search Estabrooks. Currently Kickstarter is only available for projects in the U.S. and U.K., but has an- nounced plans to include Canada soon. It is described as a positive way for artists to raise small amounts of money from many supporters. Estabrooks is grateful for the opportuni- ty. “This project is a true labour of love,” he says. And he is also grateful for his connec- tion to Russell. “I was immediately drawn not only to the beauty of the region, but to the incredible sense of community and honesty. People are not afraid to drop eve- rything, to lend a helping hand...not some- thing I see all that much in the city. While I am now living much of the time in NewYork and often on the road, I yearn to return to Russell to reconnect with this nurturing and special place.”


RUSSELL | Tall, good-looking, redhead Jonathan Estabrooks brims with infec- tious charm, and his engaging manner and confidence serve him well in his cho- sen art form—singing on stage. Not many people can describe their occu- pation as baritone, but Estabrooks, whose parents live in Russell, has that privilege. Although primarily an opera singer, the young man’s vocal talents are broad and his debut CD will showcase some of his popu- lar repertoire. The graduate of the Juilliard School of Music currently lives in New York City. A long-time performer with Opera Lyra, he is enjoying the NYC experience, and also planning his first CD recording which he is crowdsource funding through Kickstar- He started the 2013 Canada Day party in NYC by singing O Canada!, and he recently debuted at both New York’s Car- negie Hall, and Roy Thomson Hall with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and conduc- tor Steven Renieke. He says music and singing were always part of his upbringing. “Whether singing along to folkmusic withmy dad and brother on long-car rides or listening and humming

ted.”He also says wit- hout the scholarship support he would not have been able to afford the extre- mely expensive tui- tion and living costs of New York City. His debut album will feature musi- cians and engineers from all over the world, including tenor Jonathan An-

I was immediately drawn not only to the beauty of the re- gion, but to the incredible sense of community and honesty. People are not afraid to drop everything, to lend a helping hand...

opera? “I guess in some ways it chose me. I never neces- sarily intended to be an opera singer, but when it came time for university, I knew I wanted to study music, and felt that classical music training was

toine, pianist/composer Jennifer Thomas, a NYC based rhythm section, a 45-piece string orchestra from Greece and vocals recorded in Toronto and London, England. Estabrooks is also engaging in a social

the strongest basis for all types of music. As it turns out, this really gave me the vo- cal stamina, musical knowledge and expe- rience to be creative in a variety of genres.” In his formative years, he and brother Bryan entertained all over the Ottawa Valley withDominic D’arcy.“It was everything from opera to country to pop. We were thrown into many performance experiences and learned how to interact with an audience and how to switch from slow to fast songs and a variety of styles, depending on the

vous convie à une assemblée extraordinaire annuelle le mardi 16 juillet 2013 à 18h30 au bureau de Centraide PR 497, rue St-Philippe, Alfred, ON

Invites you to a SPECIAL General Meeting Tuesday, July 16 2013 at 6:30 P.M. at the Office of Centraide 497 St-Philippe Street, Alfred, ON

Change starts here.

Lors de cette soirée, les participants seront invités à :

At the meeting, the participants will be invited to: • Elect the Board Members for the year 2013-2014 • Hear the goals and principal activities of United Way’s action plan for the next year

• Élire les administrateurs de Centraide Prescott- Russell pour l’exercice 2013-2014 • S’informer des cibles et des principales activités du plan d’action de Centraide pour le prochain exercice Pour obtenir de plus amples informations sur le déroulement de cette soirée et/ou pour confirmer votre présence, vous pouvez communiquer avec Mme Julie Gaulin, agente administrative pour Centraide/United Way Prescott-Russell, au 613.679.4699 ou 1.877.881.3667, ou à l’adresse courriel suivante :

For more information and/or to confirm your presence, please contact Mrs. Julie Gaulin, administrative agent for Centraide Prescott-Russell, at 613.679.4699 or 1.877.881.3667, or by e-mail at :

Claude Levac, Acting Board Chair Centraide/United Way Prescott-Russell

Claude Levac, Président par intérim Centraide/United Way Prescott-Russell

Jonathan Estabrooks (left), shown here with his mother Sharyl, brother Bryan, and father Doug at Bryan’s wedding.

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