

Mosquitoes take bite out of Limoges tourism

to come camping and have to remain in the trailer. And what is most heart-breaking is to see the small children who are bitten everywhere on the body and in the face.» The 400-site campground site welcomes, as the beautiful weather arrives, about 300 visitors who must be barricaded in their trailer, at least until the colonies of mosqui- toes go elsewhere. Same situation for the owner of Oasis m i n i - g o l f , Diane Du-

Line Winters wants a biological spraying for all of Limoges in order to have a better quality of life. In one week alone, more than 1,000 people signed the petition. «Since the be- ginning of the season, people have spent more than a $100 on anti-mosquito prod- ucts of all kinds. If you do the calculation, the purchase of different products is more expensive than what The Nation would have to pay to spray here,” concluded L é- tourneau. ficult for us to say if it affects us. However, I found that mosquitoes are not just here. There are lots everywhere,” said spokes- person H é l è ne Ouellette. Last week, Carl Letourneau, of Limoges, distributed a petition in an effort to con- vince The Nation to call in a Trois-Rivières leader in the field of biological control of mosquitoes.


LIMOGES l Residents and business owners of Limoges have had enough. Summer has not yet started and already mosqui- toes have taken over. This is the case for at least two Limoges

tourist operators, who fear the big impact the little bugs may have on their business- es. At Kittawa campground, Line Winters says that it has been a long time since she has seen so many mosqui- toes. “It is very rare that I have to keep the reception office door closed. I am no longer able to keep it open because I will get bitten. We have anti-mosquito prod-

At this time of the year, I usually have more campers on weekends. I think it is great that there is a petition circulating. We and our customers have signed it. The spraying can improve the quality of life.

mont, of Li- moges. «We are greatly affected. Our clientele does activities out- side. Even if they are of- fered prod- ucts to fight against mos-

Photo Annie Lafortune

quitoes, several customers choose to leave. From June 14 on, we will be open every day. I hope that this will not affect my clientele who can go as high as 300 people per day. We called The Nation municipality to see if they were going to do something, and we were told no. The petition that is circulating is on our desk, ready to be signed. If it helps, I’d be happy to sign it, because we do not know when a colony could be a carrier of the West Nile virus.» There is no panic at the Calypso water- park. «The park is not yet open, so it is dif-

ucts but they are not enough. And when customers come in, 40 mosquitoes follow them in. It is quite frustrating for the camp- ers and for us,”saidWinters, adding that cer- tain seasonal campers are no longer able to tolerate the mosquitoes. “People call us to know if we have a lot of mosquitoes,” she added. “I cannot say No. At this time of the year, I usually have more campers on weekends. I think it is great that there is a petition circulating. We and our customers have signed it. The spraying can improve the quality of life. It is not pleasant



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