Pursuit Camp is our Winter Camp version of Snowcamp down here in Florida. God worked in an incredible way. From the very beginning of the weekend, we saw students open to the Gospel. One student came with his mom and grandpa to the registration desk and looked nervous and timid. It was his first time as a camper, and as they moved past the “Welcome” table, the grandpa leaned over to our person sitting there and said with a smile, “That’s my grandson, Austin. I know he’s gonna hear the Gospel tonight, and I’m praying that he comes to know Jesus!” And that night he did! In fact, on that Friday night we got to see nine students make the decision to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. But, praise God, it didn’t stop there! All weekend long, through personal conversations with our counselors, students came to know Christ. There was one girl who at the end of meeting on Saturday grabbed her counselor by the hand, took her back to the cabin, and said, “Lead me to Jesus. I have to know Him.” Wow! Absolutely amazing. Our speaker was Greg Dyson (‘84) of Cedarville University. He brought the Word with passion and power all weekend long. It impacted all who were there. We had incredible activities such We had an absolutely incredible time at our first two weekends of Pursuit Camp!
gray kyle (‘99 & ‘00)
as Friday night Mufa Pufa, which is a barrage of games played on our soccer field and the penguin slide. The penguin slide is where we take almost 3,000 pounds of ice and dump it both into the trough of our waterslide as well as into the reserve. We try to get it as cold as possible here in this Florida winter heat! Saturday is marked with tournaments, activities, and an evening meeting. But it all culminates on Sunday morning with a Dedication Service. The students were challenged to bring their struggles to the cross. We studied about the paralytic who was brought to Christ by his friends. The question was posed to the students: What are you willing to bring to Jesus? Are you willing to give Him everything? Who are you bringing to Jesus? That day we saw seven more students come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, making our total for the weekend 20 students. Wow! Think about that. Twenty lives reached and changed for eternity. Twenty lives who will go back to impact their homes and communities! We also saw almost all of the 122 campers who came make a personal decision of dedication to Christ. They signified this by tying a ribbon onto a cross that was down front. We cannot praise God enough for all He did during our first weekend. Our speaker during the second weekend was John Armstrong (‘86 & ‘87), and we ministered to 124 campers with 39 more trusting Christ. Pray with us for the students as they go back and change the world around them!
Florida Youth Camp Director & Dean of Ministries
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