Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

2022 CWU Trustee and Board Assessment

CWU Trustee/Board Self-Assessment For the period July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022

Name: ___________________________________ Number of years served on the board: ___________

ENGAGEMENT: Rate answers from number 1 (not at all engaged) to 5 (extremely engaged) 1. Stewardship of CWU’s vision, mission, and values : Participate in and review the strategic direction; ensure sound financial management. 2. Provided personal philanthropic financial support 3. Participation in board and committee meetings; fully prepared for meetings; participated actively in discussions. 4. Participation in receptions, programs, and special events. 5. Adherence to guidelines for governance, confidentiality & conflict of interest. Comments: BOARD OPERATIONS: Please rank your satisfaction within the following areas. Rate answers from number 1 (not at all satisfied) to 5 (extremely satisfied) 6. The materials and briefings provided to trustees prepare me for the board and committee meetings and give me enough information to make informed decisions? 7. University staff respond promptly and thoroughly to my requests for assistance. 8. The board’s committee structure helps trustees understand issues more fully. 9. The board’s meetings occur with enough frequency and are organized to provide trustees the time needed to discuss and develop ideas. 10. Communications from the president are timely and informative and help me perform as board member. Comments:

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