Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

Central Washington University Board of Trustees May 20, 2022 Executive Summary – Vision, Mission and Strategic Planning

After gathering rich and robust feedback from employees and students, the Vision and Mission Steering Committee met to share the feedback they had heard in order to arrive at the vision and mission statements below. The next step is for the Board of Trustees to take up these statements for their consideration and feedback. Along with the final versions of these statements are notes about how the group determined which phrases to use in response to the feedback we had received. Key words are underlined. • Vision: Central Washington University will be a model learning community of equity and belonging. • Mission : In order to build a community of equity and belonging, Central Washington University nurtures culturally sustaining practices that expand access and success to all students. We are committed to fostering high impact practices, sustainability, and authentic community partnerships that are grounded in meaningful relationships. Some groups wanted to include the phrase “will build” in the Vision statement as a way of indicating, clearly, that we have lots of work to do to elevate equity and belonging. That phrase has now been added to the mission statement in order to affirm the work in front of us. The Steering Committee decided not to include it in the vision because we do not want to suggest that we would be building, and building, and building and never getting there. The Vision is intended to BE a model. It is off on the horizon, but we must keep our sights on where we are heading. In the mission statement, some wanted to include “curriculum” and “pedagogy” after “culturally sustaining” in order to indicate that shifting our curriculum and pedagogy must be included in this work. The Faculty Senate leaned into the notion that all faculty must support revising curriculum and pedagogy so CWU. But others felt that it made the mission less focused and included phrases that may not resonate with all members of our community. Given its importance, we will include this in the strategic plan, but we opted for the more streamlined and focused phrase in the Mission. Finally, the university was split on the use of “learners” or “students.” Many advocated for learners to indicate that we are all involved in the learning that must be done. The Steering Committee retained “students” in the Mission because we need to have a laser focus on expanding access and opportunities for success for our students; there is a great deal of work to be done here, and we must dedicate ourselves to this work and to their success. Additionally, the idea that everyone at the university must be learning is included in the vision under the phrase “learning community.” We also can include it in the strategic plan. Submitted: Approved for Submittal to the Board:

Linda Schactler Chief of Staff

A. James Wohlpart


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