Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

r The Distinguished Service Award recognizes endeavors that contribute to the welfare of individuals, professional organizations, university groups, the community at large, or the university. Following is this year’s nominee. Teresa Francis Divine, Distinguished Faculty, Service, Department of Law and Justice. Professor Divine earned her J.D. at Mississippi College School of Law and her L.L.M., Criminal Law at State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law. She is a lawyer, specializing in criminal and civil law and procedure, family law, and correctional law. She has devoted her professional life in service to her students, department, college, university, and local community over her 16 years at Central Washington University, seeking equity and social justice for vulnerable individuals and marginalized communities. Professor Divine has served on the President’s Diversity Council, Diversity & Equity Center advisory board, Faculty of Color Committee, and as a Diversity Advocate for search committees across campus. For her service to diverse university groups, she has been awarded the CWU Ally Certificate of Excellence, CWU Women’s Achievement Award, and CWU Diversity Award, as well as having the BSU Service Award named in her honor. During 2021-2022 Dr. Divine also served as a Provost Faculty Fellow focused on diversity. r The Distinguished Faculty of Research / Artistic Accomplishment Award recognizes scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry, conducted to advance the state of knowledge of the discipline. Artistic accomplishment is defined as the composition, creation, production or other significant and/or innovative contribution to an artistic event. Lisa Ely, Distinguished Faculty, Research/Artistic Accomplishment, Department of Geological Sciences. Dr. Ely earned her Ph.D. in Geosciences from the University of Arizona in 1992. She has worked as a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at Central Washington University since 1994. Throughout her successful career, Dr. Ely has conducted societally impactful research that integrates an excellent research record with outstanding mentorship of student researchers. Dr. Ely’s research record is notable for the wide range of research topics to which she has made contributions. She has been dedicated to including students from diverse backgrounds in her research. Most recently, she led the Department of Geological Sciences in joining the American Geophysical Union’s Bridge Program, which fosters diversity in the geosciences community by offering students from historically marginalized populations the opportunity to attend institutions dedicated to utilizing the best inclusive practices and mentoring. In 2015, Dr. Ely was awarded the prestigious Geological Society of America Thompson International Distinguished Lecturer, which is awarded to a “dynamic speaker of established scientific stature who can present stimulating and cutting-edge geoscience research ...on topics that are at the forefront of research.” r The Board of Trustees Distinguished Faculty Award recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated a long-term combined record of excellence in teaching, scholarship or artistic activities, and service at CWU. The Board of Trustees awards one recipient every other year. Board of Trustees Distinguished Faculty Awards are limited to active CWU faculty who have been at CWU a minimum of 15 years.

Jason Knirck, Board of Trustees Distinguished Faculty Award, Department of History. Dr. Knirck earned his Ph.D. from Washington State University in 2000. His activities and accomplishments over his

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