Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

seventeen years at CWU have demonstrated a balance of excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. He has created a variety of courses to enhance the History Department’s curricular offerings and has become one of the most popular teachers in the department for his expertise, his enthusiasm, his rigor, his ability to connect with students, his methodologies, and his humor. In his scholarship, Dr. Knirck is a specialist in modern Irish history. He is the author of four published books as well as several peer-reviewed articles and chapters in anthologies. He is an active reviewer for prestigious journals in his field and a frequent invited presenter at national and international conferences. Dr. Knirck has contributed substantial leadership in service to CWU, as faculty union president, vice-president, and two-time bargaining team member; and in the History Department as chair, graduate program director, and alumni outreach chair. His department colleagues voice their enthusiasm for his leadership and work on behalf of students, staff, and faculty in terms of curriculum, recruiting, advising, staffing, budget development, long-range planning, and alumni relations.

We recommend the following motion:

The Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves appointment of the 2022 Distinguished Professors.


Approved for Submittal to the Board:

Linda Schactler Chief of Staff

A. James Wohlpart President

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