Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

Central Washington University Board of Trustees May 20, 2022 ACTION – Revisions to Board Bylaws CWUP 1-10-050 Three documents invest responsibility for the performance of the university president with the Board of Trustees: • State law (RCW 28B.35.120) charges the boards of trustees of public comprehensive universities with employing the president of the university. • Section IV of the president’s employment contract requires the Board of Trustees to conduct an annual assessment of the president’s performance. CWUP 1-10-050 Powers and Duties. • University Policy, CWUP 1-10-050, which contains just two sentences describing the process for evaluating the president, including 1.) requiring that evaluations occur annually and 2.) requiring that the board administer a “360” evaluation at least every five years. The executive committee of the board have reviewed the processes by which various universities conduct presidential assessments, including how institutions make the process transparent. In order to ensure consistency and transparency in the evaluation process, the executive committee recommends amending the bylaws of the Board of Trustees to include the evaluation procedure.

We recommend the following motion:

The Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves revisions to CWUP 1-10- 050 as presented.


Approved for Submittal to the Board:

Linda Schactler Secretary to the Board

Robert Nellams Chair of the Board of Trustees

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