Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

Dear CWU Board of Trustees, I appreciate this opportunity to provide an update on Faculty Senate activities that are occurring during this academic year (2021-2022). The Executive Committee and Senate standing committees are working diligently in collaboration with other university stakeholders to make progress on policy/procedure language adjustments and initiatives that support students, faculty, and the university community. First, I’d like to start by recognizing the fantastic work that President Wohlpart is doing during his first year at CWU . His vision, leadership style, and approach to shared governance is greatly appreciated by myself and the Executive Committee. Through our interactions, we have worked through several difficult decisions consultatively and collaboratively which we fully believe will keep us heading in the right direction as a university, and we are very excited to work together in the years to come. One example of President Wohlpart’s excellent work has been leading the Vision/Mission/Strategic Plan initiative . Faculty Senate has been involved along the way this year in each of the consultative development steps. The listening sessions were well structured, and the process has been well received. Senate recently also had a great discussion with President Wohlpart regarding the draft vision and mission statements. Second, a few updates to initiatives that senate is working on this year: The Antiracism, Diversity, and Inclusivity Ad-Hoc committee is finalizing course-level learner outcomes for the new graduation requirement that is planned to begin in fall 2023. This has been a heavy-lift for this committee, and they have done fantastic work. The General Education committee has made giant strides in creating an assessment plan and data collection system for continuous improvement and assessment of the General Education Program. As we continue to move forward with this plan, we will continue to refine and progress towards establishing a culture of assessment for the program. Faculty Senate is planning on gathering preliminary faculty input and potential interest in switching to the semester system . The Executive Committee has put together an ad-hoc Semesters Exploration Committee that will begin meeting next fall. We look forward to these discussions and reports will be shared as it moves forward. Finally, I would also like to thank the Board of Trustees executive committee for meeting regularly with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee , and we look forward to our continued interactions as we really appreciate your willingness to hear from faculty directly. If there are any questions or comments related to Faculty Senate, I would be more than happy to address them. Respectfully submitted,

Greg Lyman Faculty Senate Chair, 2021-2022

Faculty Senate 400 East University Way • Ellensburg WA 98926-7509 • Office: 509-963-3231 • Fax: 509-963-3204 Barge, room 409 • Web: EEO/AA/TITLE IX INSTITUTION • FOR ACCOMMODATION E-MAIL: CDS@CWU.EDU

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