Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

Board of Trustees Minutes February 17-18, 2022 February 17, 2022 Student Union Recreation Center, Room 301 WORK SESSION Vice Chair Conner convened the board work session at 10:05 a.m. Trustees Present: Robert Nellams, Chair (via Zoom) Ray Conner, Vice Chair Erin Black Jeff Charbonneau Gladys Gillis Paige Hall Jeff Hensler Zabrina Jenkins Staff to the Board: Jim Wohlpart, President Linda Schactler, Board Secretary & Chief of Staff Joel Klucking, Board Treasurer & Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs Kim Dawson, Executive Assistant to the President/Board of Trustees Alan Smith, Assistant Attorney General (via Zoom) Executive Staff: Andreas Bohman, Vice President for Operations Kandee Cleary, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity Michelle DenBeste, Provost/Vice President for Academic & Student Life Paul Elstone, Vice President for University Advancement Kremiere Jackson, Vice President for Public Affairs

Vice Chair Conner chaired the meeting and introduced our newest trustee, Jeff Charbonneau. Jeff is a CWU alumnus several times over and has taught for CWU. He was the 2013 National Teacher of the Year and serves on the Washington Student Achievement Council. Approval of Agenda Motion 22-01: Ms. Gillis moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University approve the agenda of the meetings of February 17 and 18, 2022. Ms. Black seconded the motion, which the board unanimously approved.

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