Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 20, 2022

Approval of Minutes Motion 22-02: Ms. Gillis moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University approve the minutes of the meetings of October 21 and 22, 2021. Ms. Black seconded the motion. The motion was approved. COMMUNICATIONS 1. An anonymous letter dated October 28, 2021 regarding mandatory COVID-19 testing. 2. An email, dated December 31, 2021 from David Utting in Perth Western Australia, expressing his appreciation for CWU’s Nick Zentner, stating that his “services to education and community engagement stands out as a truly outstanding achievement.” PUBLIC COMMENT No one signed up for public comment. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Wohlpart reported that work to refresh the university vision and mission is underway and open forums will be held in March. Vice President Klucking is rolling out values-based budgeting. Listening sessions were recently held to get campus feedback on whether to create a vice presidential position to oversee student success functions and an integrated plan for recruitment, retention, persistence, and success. Feedback was supportive of creating a Division of Student Engagement and Success and a search for a vice president will be launched soon. Dr. Cleary is continuing to lead work on the Equity Scorecard along with the steering committee appointed to support with this work. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) staff also are doing the work required by SB 5227 to eliminate structural racism in institutions of higher education through training and policy review. Assessment of our branding is underway. CWU is working with Campbell and Company to draft brand and case statements connected to the initiative to reset the vision for CWU. Trustee Jenkins asked to know the process through which Campbell and Company had been retained. The president responded that the question would be addressed in Friday morning’s session with the consultant. BUDGET WORK SESSION Vice President Klucking reported that, despite the emphasis on budget and finance across the university, largely due to the implementation of the RCM/ABB budget model, faculty and staff collectively lack a real understanding of budget and financial issues. Business and Financial Affairs staff have re-designed our approach to the presentation of budget and financial concepts to better match the desire for more consumable information to non-financial users. The rollout of values based budget has been well received. Vice President Klucking added that we do have some bright spots with regard to enrollment. Traditionally underrepresented groups (TUGS) are improving and investments appear to be closing the gap. Increasing yield of applications is the focus now. Acceptances are trending stronger and confirmations are strong. RESEARCH PRESENTATION The Board and Executive Leadership Team members walked to Discovery Hall for a presentation by Dr. Susan Kaspari on Geological Sciences and Sustainability Practices. She presented on her current research related to climate and environmental change, including information on how important CWU students

2 Board of Trustees Minutes February 17-18, 2022

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