that they might learn not to blas pheme the name of Almighty Cod. Q. Seattle, Wash. " I have heard that we should live in the power of Christ's resurrection, referring to the testimony of Paul to the Philippians (3:10). What does it mean, and how can it be accom plished?'' A. Paul indicates here what hap pened to him when he was saved. He counted up all the things he had by way of his "religious pedi gree" and set them all aside. They could never merit his salvation. He could never achieve righteousness in his own strength or by his own deeds. He wanted to know Christ intimately through salvation. Salva tion is a supernatural act of Cod. No one comes into this new birth naturally. It is the gift of Cod. If Christ had not been resurrected, a dead body would have no power at all. The only way we can pattern our lives after Christ is first of all by being born again. Then we should use the strength of the indwelling Holy Spirit. This is made possible through the presence of Christ's resurrection power. All of the exhortations of the New Testament take into consider ation that we, as believers, have a power higher than ourselves. This gives us the necessary strength for our individual daily needs. If we are going to do God's will, we must depend completely on Cod's power. You see, all of God's com mands go hand-in-hand with Cod's enablings. We must use this power to overcome sin's enticements. No tice how many times in the book of Acts we read that the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit. This is because of the power of Christ's resurrection. We must live
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