Kinect: Treating Knee Pain Naturally

“The Summertime Is For Activity, Not Pain!” TOP 2 EXERCISES FOR INJURED KNEES

KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH Working on your knee extension range of motion through active stretches offers numerous benefits. It strengthens the muscles that support your knee, particularly the quadriceps muscles on the front of your thighs. It also stretches the back of your thighs, where your hamstrings are located. Maintaining, or improving, your range of motion for knee extension can also help reduce symptoms of knee arthritis. How it’s done: While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 6 times. PIRIFORMIS STRETCH Stretching your piriformis muscles before and after a workout can prevent pain and injury to your legs, and it can be done anywhere. Stretching your piriformis muscles can literally reduce any pain or tightness in the back of your legs, knees, buttocks, hamstrings, and perhaps your calf muscles. As many of these pains stem from the piriformis, stretching it will help prevent further pain and tightness. How it’s done: While lying on your back, hold your knee with your opposite hand and draw your knee up and over towards your opposite shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 7 times.


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