
credible leadership by empowering and enabling people to step up into leadership. Here are some major takeaways about building a team: 1. Provide specific roles for key players. This provides clarity on what success looks like for each individual and better accountability measures. 2. Follow up is important. Just because you delegate something doesn’t mean it will automatically get done. Young or new key leaders need regular follow up. 3. Encouragement is necessary. If you think building a million-dollar business is hard, consider how those under you are feeling. Take time to give praise to members on your team. 4. Let the cream rise to the top. Tough environments allow more talented members to shine. Don’t be afraid to make changes to empower the right people.

THEAMERICANDREAM IS STILLALIVE If you have any doubt that the American dream is still alive then I would encourage you to watch this show. What Stearns and this series shows us is that the American dream is still alive IF… You are willing to work with the same American determination and grit so many of the great early entrepreneurs had and… You are willing to share the spot- light with others in order to build a great team where everyone can win big! •

to give up and continues to look for solutions to solve big problems. Even Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, repeatedly tells his team that “It will always be day one at Amazon!” Instead of seeing roadblocks as a problem or issue, reframe a roadblock in your mind as being the next step on your path to billionaire status! Placed in Erie, PA, a shell of the prominent manufacturing town it once was in the 1970s, Stearns immediately begins to identify key players for his team and to “find roles for [those] talented players.” This is similar to Jim Collins’ principle in his book, Good to Great: “First Who, Then What.” Meaning, it’s more important to have the LESSON #2 WINNERS RELYON AGREATTEAM right people on the bus before you even know where the bus is going. You do not build a million-dollar company by trying to do everything yourself. Stearns demonstrates in-

Ellis Hammond is the managing principal for SymphonyCapitalGroup. com, a San Diego based investment firm focused on helping private investors

build a more predictable wealth building strategy through apartment investing. He is a well sought out speaker on the topic of multifamily and faith-driven investing. He also hosts a weekly podcast show for Christian investors called Kingdom Capitalists.

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