Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201703

Advance to Director 3 by May and attend an expenses paid training at a luxury location.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA DIRECTOR 9 HAYLEY HARDING My first director was my best friend. Kelley, who has been since we were just 8! In fact it was my best friend who told 'me' about the power this business truly has! When she said to me "Hayley, this is willable" something clicked in our brains and we both had an uncontrollable urge and desire to build this business BIG! We would spend hours and hours on the phone talking Melaleuca and planning and concocting our futures. Dreaming of the lives we were going to have with our families and children. All the nice things we were going to be able to afford and be the parents we both desired for our kids. I was a Director in May 2014 and we both worked hard and helped Kelley reach Director in June. We totally believed in the products, the company and its mission statement and we were on a mission to grow a residual based income so we could live a comfortable life. WHATWORKS: • “What works for me is Belief! You have to truly believe in yourself and in others. I think when you know where you are heading others believe in you.” • “You have to have trust. Trust in your company and the wellness products. Trust in the process in building your business.” •“A strong work ethic. Don’t let the little things get you down. Such as a 'No' It’s not a 'No' it’s a 'not right now thank you'.” • “Knowing your 'Why' really helps keep you on track. Without knowing why you do something is meaningless. Have purpose and direction. Skills can be fine-tuned over time but if people can see you are passionate and believe in what you are doing they will take notice.” GOODADVICE: • “ALWAYS work with your enroller. On the job training starts at your first presentation.” • “Never pre judge any one and give everyone the FULL overview. Get as much help with the phone calls as you can!” • “Be real, authentic and connect with people. Always be open to learning new skills and find tune yourself to be great!” • “Be coachable, have a strong why and have a huge heart! ” • “Don't sweat the small stuff. Never let it knock you down! The gold is just around the corner … Dont Stop!”


Enrol in February, March, April or May and advance to Director 3 by 31 May for the expenses paid trip of a lifetime to Port Douglas.


Advance to Director 3 by May in Pacesetter time and earn $7500 *


*Approximate, income may vary based on activity.

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