FMN | January 21st, 2019

by millions of people around the world every day. Consumers are often unaware how to take the extra steps needed to recycle or return packaging prod- ucts, such as bottles and cans, or unwilling to change behaviors as clear benefit to doing so are lacking. Furthermore, the systems are often not in place to support the recycling process; according to a UPS/GreenBiz Research Study developed in the Unit- ed States, the logistical cost in reclaiming used prod- ucts is the second biggest bar r ier to firms’ implementation of circular economy strategies. Entrepreneurial Spirit Some entrepreneurial organizations, recognized for their leadership in the circular economy through the award program, The Circulars, have approached this topical issue from a different angle, creating packag- ing solutions that harness unique circular material in- puts. Ecovative Design has developed a technology that uses mushroom roots to produce biodegradable packaging with the same quality standards as typical plastic and foam packaging. Multinationals such as IKEA and Dell are already using Ecovative’s packag- ing for a subset of their products.

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Several corporations are adopting targets as ambi- tious as using 100 percent recycled materials in the production of new packaging, to limit unnecessary use of virgin materials. A partnership between Indorama Ventures and Loop Industries has enabled a joint ven- ture using Loop’s technology to develop 100 percent sustainably produced PET resin and polyester fiber. Commercial production is planned for early 2020. Procter & Gamble is also re-thinking how they can increase usage of recycled plastics — through inter- nal R&D efforts, they have developed PureCycle tech- nology to recycle polypropylene plastic, resulting in a material that can act as a high-quality substitute vir- gin polypropylene plastic. This recycled polypropy- lene plastic is then used as an input for products such as electronics, construction materials, and food and beverage packaging. Overcoming Limitations However, recyclable packaging has its limitations. Collecting packaging at the end of a product’s useful life in order to kick-start the recycling process is one of the biggest barriers for organizations, especially for consumer goods companies whose products are used

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6 January 21, 2019 Flexo Market News

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