
Real Estate Journal — Women in Business — October 26 - November 8, 2018 — 5C


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Women in Business

Paula M. Zwiren, JD, MBA, Zwiren Title Agency, Inc. “Enjoy The Journey”

reatest professional accomplishment in 2018: Fred Re imer joined the ZTA team this year. Fred is a successful, ac- complished title professional and entrepreneur who worked with my father at the begin- ning of his career. We have the same work ethic and core values in conducting business. Fred brings his unique expe- rience as a business owner, expertise in the title industry, and professional integrity to our growing team. I am very proud to attract such a con- summate professional. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I welcome him. Do you feel being a woman in today’s business world is an advantage, dis- advantage or no advantage in today’s business world? Why or why not? In the broad view of a macroenviron- ment it can be a disadvantage. However, we typically oper- ate in a microenvironment and have opportunities to focus more energy on seeking synergy rather than fighting adversity. There is a plethora of synergistic business rela- tionships available for women, and that is where I focus. I believe that professional relationships between men and women are predominantly impacted by the personal perspective of individual men and women on social mores, as succinctly illustrated by the following excerpt of the Har- vard Business Review article authored by W. Brad Johnson and David G. Smith, (2017): One known leader said that he would never have a meal alone with a woman who was not his wife, he was invoking the well-worn “Billy Graham rule”; the evangelical leader has famously urged male leaders to “avoid any situa- tion that would have even the appearance of compromise or suspicion”… Lauded by some as an act of male chivalry, it is merely a 20th-century Ameri- can iteration of sex segrega- tion… Excellent leaders initi- ate positive developmental and collegial interactions with as many types of people as they can — deliberately, fre- quently, and transparently… The fact is, many men choose not to fulfill this stereotype; many men have close, mutual, collegial relationships with women. Johnson, W., & Smith, D. (2017, May 5). Men Shouldn’t Refuse to G

Recently, I retained a firm to help me launch a social media presence and am very much looking forward to it. In my fantasy world, inside my head, my social media presence is similar in energy to Gary Vanynerchuk and real estate enthusiasm to the Instagram page of Elite Con- nect @eliteconnectre. There are educational videos and detailed title insurance stories that illustrate to the world what we do behind the scenes. Hopefully, as it develops, I’ll have the courage and take the time to make this fantasy real. What inspiring word of

advice would you give to a young woman about to go into the field of commercial real estate or your allied field? Be authentic, detailed and strategically cautious while still focusing on the part of your career and professional relationships that you enjoy. Keep moving towards your goals, no matter what hap- pens. Do not make a promise you cannot keep, and under- stand your weaknesses, as well as where you are consistently strong. Hire or partner with people who have strengths that compliment your weaknesses. Enjoy the journey. 

Paula M. Zwiren, JD, MBA President Zwiren Title Agency, Inc. Years with company/firm: 5 Years in field: 25 Years in real estate industry: 25 Real estate organizations/ affiliations: NJLTA, NYSLTA, PLTA, NJSBA and NYSBA

Be Alone with Female Colleagues. Harvard Business Review . Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2017/05/men- shouldnt-refuse-to-be-alone-with- female-colleagues What impact has social

media/networking had on your business? Social media has not been a part of my busi- ness plan so far, but I believe now is the time to embrace it.


www.ZwirenTitle.com 855-994-7365 Paula@ZwirenTitle.com

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