PILMMA Consumer Behavior Study 2023



7. Attorneys should educate the public that there is no fee unless they collect a settlement. Include this information on your firm's website, and in digital marketing and advertising.

8. Add content to your firm's marketing efforts designed to address the attitudes and misconceptions addressed in the report, such as the higher settlements claimants with lawyers receive over claimants who don't hire a lawyer, and the fact that they only get one opportunity to resolve their case, etc. 9. Don't be afraid to advertise on TV, Radio and with Digital Marketing via Google and Social Media Platforms. Use Content that addresses consumer concerns and misconceptions, and that educates and positions you as a perceived "expert." Include a 100% Client Satisfaction Guarantee in your Marketing efforts.

10. Strive to become more approachable through social media posts that show you as a "regular" person that prospects can relate to.

11. Share testimonials, past verdicts, settlements and case studies in online marketing efforts, including social media posts and on your website, to show prospects that you have experience in their particular type of case. 12. Post frequently across all relevant social media platforms and with paid posts, offering content that educates, informs, or entertains. Offer short e-books as lead magnets that create a perception that you are an "expert" in your field.


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