King's Business - 1959-12


ReaderReaction REPORT FROM ISRAEL One day a friend sent the K ING ’S BUSINESS down to us here in a dry and parched land (literally true, but spirit­ ually even more so). From South Africa, the Lord guided us here to this border town, where we have not yet one who has a testimony of salvation. W ill you please pray for this town and the people in it? The Lord has set before us an open door. Pray that He will send forth laborers. Mrs. Anna Venter, Eilat, Israel TIME FOR RENEWAL W e are farmers and harvest time is the best time to renew subscriptions . . . here’s mine. W e are very pleased with the maga­ zine. It is an exceptional one in these days of compromise with liberality and the world. I find it very spiritual and fundamental. Helen A. MacLean, Jefferson, Oregon A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM M y father is a minister with the I.F.C.A. I am 13. If the Lord should tarry until I’m old enough, I would like to be in His work. There are a lot of children and young people up here without the wonder­ ful Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. W e plan to have a Bible club. Thank you for the King’s Business and the stories for boys and girls. Sandra Kaufman, Omo Ranch, California SHARES MAGAZINES WITH OTHERS Your magazine means much to me as I am not able to go out any more, am not well, and am in my 87th year. W hen I write to missionaries and shut-ins, I share with them the messages I read. W hen I finish with my copy of the K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS, I send it to the superintendent of the Sunshine Mission’s large men’s Bible class. The teacher reads them the Gospel messages. Hanna Ruvoldf, St. Louis, Missouri CHURCH RECREATION HELPFUL I have been enjoying the K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS so much and so often finding some­ thing I didn’t notice before. Example, the article on Church Recreation I just found, and as social chairman I felt as if I had discovered a gold mine. Lt. and Mrs. A. G. Lane, Sunnyvale, Cali. LETTERS OF APPRECIATION I like the new K ING ’S BUSINESS for­ mat very much. Please send a subscription to m y sister-in-law. Mrs. Esther Majeske, Flint, Michigan. Thank you for the lovely articles pub­ lished in the magazine the K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS. I enjoy them all so much. M. Raines, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada EDITOR'S NOTE: We are anxious to hear from readers who have subscribed to the King's Business for a number of years. Next month is our 50th year of publica­ tion. During the Golden Jubilee we would like to print letters from those who have been members of our magazine family through the years. How long have you been reading the King's Business?

Eve r y M o n t h of t he Ye a r by sponsoring a homeless Korean orphan

While thousands of orphans are homeless, cold, starving and dying, these happy, well- clothed, well-fed orphans enjoy Christian love and tender care in our Christ honoring, Bible believing orphanages in war ravaged Korea. Once they were ragged, dirty beggars on the streets. Now each child has an American “Mommie and Daddy” , an individual, S.S. Class, Ladies Society, Jr. Church, etc., who are THR ILLED to sponsor their “own orphan” . It costs only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day to provide food, clothing, schooling, everything for a child. Think of the

Christmas joy YOU will have every month! This boy on the right, like thousands of others, must beg and steal for an existence ■— sleeping out of doors on the coldest nights — unless someone cares! He needs Christ, too! ESEA supports well over 2000 orphans in our 30 Homes. W e are prepared to take in and care for 500 more IF we get the new sponsors. YOU can save a life and a soul. W rite or phone us NOW . W hat a great BLESSING it will be to YOU and to a homeless lost child!

Typical ragged homeless orphan boy

THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Chicago 31, Illinois

---------------------------------------CLIP AND MAIL TODAY ■------------- ---------------- - - - - - YES, I want to "adopt" a QJ boy girl for one year. W ith God's help I will send $8 a month. Please let me have my child's name, picture, address and story, i under­ stand 1 may continue after one year i f 1 wish to. □ I cannot "adopt" a child, but want to help by giving $.................. □ Please send me further information.

Name .................................. !...... !............................................................................................

Address ..........

City .................................................................. Zone ................. State .................................................... Gifts of any amount are welcome. Sponsorings are income tax deductible THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. A Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-12 4848 Nerth Leonard Drive Chicago 31, Illinois Telephone: GLadstone 6-6181




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