American Eel ladders installed in Crysler and Russell ACTUALITÉ • NEWS
The rare American Eel is getting a little help, in the form of specialized !sh lad- ders installed on October 17 for eels to use, alongside dams and weirs in Crysler and Russell on the Castor River, and in Chesterville on the South Nation. The American Eel used to be a plentiful !sh in Ontario and was considered a major food source for First Nations and peoples which hunted and !shed in this area for thousands of years. The installation of water control and hydroelectric dams prevented the eels from traveling upstream to spawn, particularly the dams that transformed the St. Lawrence River into the St. Lawrence Seaway in the 1960s. American Eels have a complex life cycle that makes them vulnerable to disruption. Like salmon, they hatch and live in small rivers and streams far inland, then they mi- grate to the ocean and spend much of their lives in the area of the Sargasso Sea. They return to their original homes to spawn. Prevention of travel to spawning grounds and over!shing have reduced the eel popu- lation by about 90 per cent. The South Nation Conservation Authority, which installed the eel ladders, are hoping they will help to increase species numbers, which could have a bene!cial e"ect on loc- al aquatic ecosystems. American Eels were
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Eel ladders were installed at dams and weirs in Crysler, Chesterville and Russell on October 17, by South Nation Conservation Authority. Here SNCA and Russell Environmental Advisory Council members are shown at the Russell weir.
released earlier this year and one that did not seem to be part of the released group was netted this summer. Biologist Naomi Langlois-Anderson of the SNCA asks the public to inform them of any eel sightings in the watershed. www.nation.
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Counties okay RiverFest funding Counties sta" are busy working on next year’s budget for the next council of mayors to approve early in 2015 after all the municipal elec- tion dust settles from this month’s voting. But the old counties council had to approve inclusion of at least one expense item in next year’s budget this year. Organizers of the annual Ottawa River Festival are ready to sign an agreement with Power Boating Canada for host- ing the popular High-Performance Poker Run rally of powerboats round-trip between Hawkesbury and Rockland. The agreement de- pends on the RiverFest committee having $20,000 secured towards operating expenses for the rally. During their Oct. 22 regular session in L’Orignal, counties council mem- bers approved a resolution to con- !rm $20,000 in the 2015 budget for the Ottawa River Festival commit- tee.
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