BouletPT_Relief from Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain

NEXT ARTHRITIS WORKSHOP: FEB 18, 6PM Upcoming Workshops: • Shoulder & Rotator Cuff: MAR 10, 6PM

OUR SERVICES • Cupping • Dry Needling • Electrical Stimulation • Ergonomic Training • IASTM • Joint Mobilization

• Muscle Energy Techniques • Myofascial Release • Postural Re-Education/ Training • Therapeutic Exercise

Haveyouhad itwitharthritispain?Iswalkingexcruciating? Arestairs intimidating?Doyoustrugglewithstandingfor any lengthoftime?Haveyoubeenavoidingactivitieswith your friends and family because of the pain? Come learnwhatsuccessfulnaturaltreatmentmethods look likewithout theuseofdrugs, injections,orsurgery. Theworkshop isFREEtoallthatattend.Seating islimited, so call to reserve your chair at (337) 264-9856. Only 20 spots available for this workshop.

• Ultrasound • Vestibular Therapy

• Kinesio Taping • Laser Therapy • Manual Therapy

Call us at (337) 264-9856 to Register Today!


Keep up with your physical therapy exercises to relieve pain and prevent further injuries. If your pain doesn’t subside, consult with your therapist about what other things might be causing pain. HAS YOUR PA I N COME BACK?

After physical therapy, I feel my strength and balance have been restored.

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A big thank you to Pat and her staff for relieving me of vertigo. I had suffered

for years with the wobbliness that vertigo brings. I was compromised in activities of daily living and had tomisswork frequently.Afterphysical therapy, I feel my strength and balance have been restored. Icanonceagainbendoverwithoutdizziness,scoop bird seed from the bird seed tub, leash my dogs, and takewalks,allwithnowobbliness.Mygratitude to Boulet PT for your kind, respectful care. - K. E.

Call Boulet Physical Therapy & Wellness Institute for a

complimentary injury consultation. We will guide you so you can get back to the activities you love.

Wand Shoulder Flexion Lying on your back and holding a wand, palms face down on both sides, gently raise the wand overhead in a gentle motion. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly lower wand to starting position. Repeat 5 times. EXERC I SE ESSENT I AL S USE THIS EXERCISE TO INCREA SE RANGE OF MOTION Exercisescopyrightof


1. Aim for lucky number seven. Young and middle-aged adults who sleep 7 hours a night have lesscalcium intheirarteries(anearlysign of heart disease) than those who sleep 5 hours or less or those who slept 9 hours or more. 2. Keep the pressure off. Get your blood pressure checked every 3-5 years if you’re 18- 39. Ifyou’re40orolder,or ifyouhavehighblood pressure, check it every year. 3. Move more. To keep it simple, you can aim for30minutesaday,5daysaweekofmoderate exercise. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day,beingsedentary fortheother231/2hours is really bad for your heart.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

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