OrthosportsPT_Relief for Your Knee & Hip Pain is Here

Have you ever thought about how amazing our ability to walk is? It is a complex system of muscles, nerves, and joints working together in harmony to lift you up. But what if you experience pain while walking? If you experience hip, knee, or leg pain, it could mean that the complex system of your gait has been effected in some way or another. For more information regarding how our treatments can help you, give us a call today!

Health & Fitness We help people in pain return to normal naturally.

Need a Consultation but Can’t Come to the Clinic? Our therapists will be happy to do a phone consult during this time. Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule!


Have you ever thought about how amazing our ability to walk is? It is a complex system of muscles, nerves, and joints working together in harmony to lift you up. But what if you experience pain while walking? If you experience hip, knee, or leg pain, it couldmean that the complex system of your gait has been effected in some way or another. For more information regarding howour treatments can help you, give us a call today! WhatCausesKneeandHipPain? Knee and hip pain occur when the joints andmuscles surrounding those areas lack their normal function. If the joint isn’t functioning properly, it can alter one’smobility, whichwill increase pressure on the area. This can cause

the area to become inflamed, thus resulting in pain. If you are experiencing hip pain, it is likely that there is a problem with your hip joint. When this happens, you will experience pain inside of your hip, or in your groin area. If you are experiencing pain outside of your hip, in your upper thigh, or buttock region, then it is likely that there is a problem with themuscles, tendons, ligaments, or soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. Regardless of where the pain is stemming from, hip pain is typically caused by injury or strain to the joint or surrounding regions; however, the pain can also be due to an underlying disease, such as arthritis.

(continued inside)

Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!

RELIEF FOR YOUR KNEE & HIP PAIN IS HERE (Continued) If you are experiencing knee pain, there is a good chance the pain is rooted in your kneecap or patella. Every time you bend your knee, your kneecap needs enough space to move up and down between your femur bone and the bend of your knee. Unfortunately, if this area becomes inflamed, then the tissues surrounding the kneecap will become tighter, and the kneecap will not have as much space to move. It will try to squeeze through the inflamed padding, causing pain in the knee, and causing the padding to grow thicker and more irritated. When this happens, the joint fluid inside your knee will begin to dry out, resulting in more friction and pain. HowPhysical Therapy Helps: If you are experiencing knee pain, there is a good chance the pain is rooted in your kn cap or patella. Every time you bend your kn e, your kneecap needs enough space to move up and down between your f mur bone and th bend of your knee. Unfortunately, if this area becomes inflamed, then the tissues surrounding the kneecap will become tighter, and the kneecap will not have as much space to move. It will try to squeeze through the inflamed padding, causing pain in the knee, and causing the padding to grow thicker and more irritated. When this happens, the joint fluid inside your knee will begin to dry out, resulting in more friction and pain. HowPhysical Therapy Helps: When relieving knee and hip pain, it is important tomake sure that normalmotion is restored. Our physical therapists at OrthoSports are trained in evaluating your movement to determine the root of your problem, in addition to creating a treatment regimen specific to your pain, and restoring you to your normalmobility and strength. We have years of success in helping patients with their physical needs, eliminating their need for harmful drugs, expensive testing, or harsh surgeries. Our goal is to help you move and walk as comfortably as possible. Schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists today and get back on track to a pain-free life! Give us a call today at our Amherst (716-839-3705) or Clarence (716-634-1578) locations. chedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists tod y and get back on tr ck to a pain-fr e life! Give us a call today at our Amherst (716-8 9-3705) or Clar nce ( 1 -634-1578) locations. RELIEF FOR YOUR KNEE & HIP PAIN IS HERE (Continued) When relieving knee and hip pain, it is important tomake sure that normalmotion is restored. Our physical therapists at OrthoSports are trained in evaluating your movement to determine the root of your problem, in addition to creating a treatment regimen specific to your pain, and restoring you to your normalmobility and strength. We have years of success in helping patients with their physical needs, eliminating their need for harmful drugs, expensive testing, or harsh surgeries. Our goal is to help you move and walk as comfortably as possible.

Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today! Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 71 .634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!

Try These Diy Ice Packs When Your Joints Are Burning After All That Walking: 4 Different Methods 1. 3 partswater to 1 part rubbing alcohol. This combination is recommended by physical therapists, because it is cheap, it stays flexible, and it works perfectly. There is also minimal mess if there is a leak! Win/win. 2. Corn syrup – Yup. Plain old corn syrup. This one is nice because it stays the most soft and flexible compared to the rest; however, if it were to leak, you’d be left with a sticky mess. 3. Liquid dish soap. You guessed it, another one-ingredient ice pack! This one doesn’t stay quite as flexible as the rest, but at least the mess won’t be sticky in the event of a leak. 4. 2 parts liquid dish soap to 1 part rubbing alcohol. This is very similar to the one above but stays a bit more flexible.

Sources: https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/hip-pain/basics/causes/sym-20050684

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to relieve knee pain.

KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH While sitting on the edge of a chair, extend one leg outwards while keeping the other bent for stability. Tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Repeat 6 times with each leg.

Exercises copyright of

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Give Yourself an Im unity Bo st These Tips Can Help You Stay Healthy Give Yourself an Im unity Bo st These Tips Can Help You Stay Healthy Give Yourself an I unity B ost These Tips Can Help You Stay Healthy i e Yo self an Im ity Bo t hes Tips Can Help You Stay Healthy

7. Aim for 8-9 hours of sleep each night. 8. Don’t smoke. 9. Drink plenty of water. 10. Take time to stretch. 11. Take frequent breaks for breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale deeply. 12. Continue your home exercise program 2-3 times per week. 9. Drink plenty of water. 10. Take time to stretch. 11. Take frequent breaks for breathing ex rcise . Inhale and exhale deeply. 12. Continue your home ex rcise program 2-3 times per week. 9. Drink plenty of water. 10. Take time to stretch. 1 . Take fr quent breaks for breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale de ply. 12. Conti ue your home exercise program 2-3 times per we k. 7. Aim for 8-9 hours of sleep each night. 8. Don’t smoke. 7. Aim for 8-9 hours of sl p each night. 8. Don’t smoke. 7. Aim for 8-9 hours of sle p each night. 8. Don’t smoke. 9. Drink plenty of water. 10. Take time o stretch. 1. Tak fr quent breaks for breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale d eply. 12. Continue your hom exercise p ogram 2-3 times per w ek.

1. Wash your hands. 2. Avoid touching your face with your hands. 3. Decide to get up and get moving. 4. Make a habit of 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day. 5. Maintain a nutritious diet heavy on fruits and vegetables. 6. Take essential vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, and B6. 3. Decide to get up and get moving. 4. Make a habit of 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day. 5. Maintain a nutri ious diet heavy on fruits and vegetables. 6. Take essential vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, and B6. 3. Decide to get up and get moving. 4. Make a habit of 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day. 5. Mai t i a nutritious di t heavy on fruits and vegetables. 6. Take sential vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, and B6. 3. Decide to get up and get moving. 4. Make habit of 20-3 minutes of physical activi y a d y. 5. Maintain a nutrit ous diet heavy on fruits and vegetables. 6. Take s ential v tam ns such as Vitam n C, D, and B6. 1. Wash your hands. 2. Avoid touching your face with your hands. 1. Wash your hands. 2. Avoid touching your face with your hands. 1. Wash your hands. 2. Avoid t uching your face with your hands.

In order to be healthy, there needs to be a large emphasis on movement. When your body is flexible, strong, well-balanced, and fueled by a nutritious diet, it is able to fight infection and reduce the impact of viruses. We are dedicated to helping you live the best life you can. During this time, if you cannot make it to your physical therapy appointments, continue your exercises at home. We care for you and remember, you are part of our OrthoSports family. In order to be healthy, ther needs to be a l rge mphasi on movement. When your body is flexible, strong, well-bal nced, and fuel d by a nutritious diet, it s able to fight infection and reduce the impact of viruses. We are dedicated to helping you live the best life you can. During this time, if you cannot make it to your physical therapy appointments, continue your exercise at home. We care for you and remember, you are part of our OrthoSports family. In o der to be healthy, there n eds to be a larg emphasis on movement. When your body is flexible, strong, well-b lanced, and fu led by a nutritious diet, it is able to fight infectio and reduce the impact of viruses. We ar dedicated to helping you live the best life you can. During th s time, if you ca not make i to your physical therapy a pointments, continue your exercises at home. We care f r you and re ember, you are part of our Orth Sports family. In order to be h althy, here n ds to be a large emphasis on m vem nt. When your body is flexibl , strong, well-ba anced, and fueled by a nutritious diet, it is able to fight infection and reduce the impact of viruse . We are de icated to helping you live the b st life you can. During this me, if you can ot make it o your physical therapy appointments, conti ue your exercises at home. W care for you and rememb r, you are part of ur O thoSports family.

“ I would absolutely recommend OrthoSports to anyone!” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT “ I would absolutely recom end OrthoSports to anyone!” PATIENT SUC ES SPOTLIGHT “ I would absolutely reco mend OrthoSports to anyone!” PATIENT SU CE SPOTLIGHT I would absolutely recom end rt oSport o anyone!” ATIENT SUC ES POTLIGHT

“I would like to take this time to thank you and your staff for the excellent treatment I received while going to Orthosports. I made considerable progress while adhering to the treatment program you laid out for me. I came to your establishment barely able to bend my leg, and with the threat of another surgery if I could not increase flexibility in my knee. The therapy regime that you designed has restored the motion in my leg, as well as strengthened the entire knee. Although I still have some work to do before I can do all the things that I formally did, I am very pleased with my progress. I owe it all to Orthosports and would highly recommend Orthosports to anyone who has suffered a serious leg injury and requires therapy. Again, I thank you immensely.” - J. S. “I would like to take this time to thank you and your staff for the xcellent treatment I received while going to Orthosports. I made considerable progress while adhering to the treatment program you laid out for me. I came to your establishment barely able to bend my leg, and with the threat of another surgery if I could not increase flexib lity in my knee. The therapy regime that you designed has restored the motion in my leg, as well as trengthened the ntire knee. Although I still have some work to do before I can do all the things that I formally di , I am very pleased with my progress. I owe it all to Orthosports and would highly recommend Orthosports to anyone who has uffer d a serious leg injury and requires therapy. Again, I thank you immensely.” - J. S. “I would like to take th s time to thank you and your staf for th xcellent treatment I rec ived while going to Orth sports. I made considerable progress while adhering to the treatment p ogram you laid out for me. I came t your establishment barely able to bend my leg, and wi h the threat of another su gery if I could not incr as flex b lity in my knee. The therapy regime hat you designed has restored the motion in my leg, as well a strengthened the entire knee. Although I still have some work t do before I can do all the things hat I formally did, I am very pl ased with my progress. I owe it all to Orth sports and would ighly reco mend Orth sports to a yone who ha suffered a serious leg injury and requires therapy. Again, I thank you i m nsely.” - J. S. “I would ike to ake this ime to hank you and your staf or the excel nt trea ment I rec ived while going to Orthosports. I made considerable progres while adhering to he rea ment program you laid out for me. I came to your establishment barely able to bend my leg, and with e threat of another su gery if I could not increase flexibility in my kne . The therapy regime that you designed has re tored the moti n i my leg, as wel as strengthen d the entire kn e. Although I stil have some work to do befor I can do all the hings that I formally did, I am very pleased with my progres . I owe it al to Orthosports and would highly recom end Orthosports o anyone who as suf ered a serious leg injury and requires therapy. Again, I thank you immensely.” - J. S

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Keeping Your Health In Mind! At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are closely monitoring the rapidly changing conditions & government response to COVID-19. Our goal during this difficult time is to protect every person from the risk of infection who enters any of our offices while remaining true to our mission of improving and sustaining the well-being of our clients. It is very important to maximize your recovery and achieve your personal, recovery goals. We have developed a plan to identify potential hazards and reduce the chance of infection. We ask for your assistance in the following ways: • If you are sick and/or exhibit fever, cough, shortness of breath, please notify a member of our staff before entering the office (if possible). We may need to reschedule you. Call the office you normally attend. If you are unsure, please call us. We have d v loped a plan to identify potential hazards and reduce the chance of infection. We ask for your assistance in the following ways: • If you are sick and/or exhibit fever, cough, shortness of breath, please notify a member of our staff before entering the office (if possible). We may need to reschedule you. Call the office you normally attend. If you are unsure, please call us. • Our Senior friends should be extra cautious especially if you have significant health issues. Speak with your PCP if you are unsure about leaving your home for physical therapy, attending the gym/MOG or massage therapy. • Our Senior friends should be extra cautious especially if you have significant health issues. Speak with your PCP if you are unsure about leaving your home for physical therapy, attending the gym/MOG or massage therapy. • Please wash/disinfect your hands when you enter a facility. Please be sure you disinfect equipment before & after each use. We have viricide (Virus killer) & bactericide (Bacteria killer) spray. Spray bottles are readily available. • If you notice anything of concern related to cleanliness or risk of disease transmission, please notify the staff promptly. • Please wash/disinf c you hands when you ent r a facility. Please be sure you disinfect equipment before & after each use. We have viricide (Virus killer) & bactericide (Bacteria killer) spray. Spray bottles are readily available. • If you notice anything of concern related to cleanliness or risk of disease transmissio , please notify the staff promptly. • We have notified our staff not to come in if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or flu like symptoms. This may change how we make appointments but may be necessary to protect everyone. Please be patient • We have notified our staff not to come in if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or flu like symptoms. This may change how we make appointments but may be necessary to protect everyone. Please be patient • We have notified our staff not to come in if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or flu like symptoms. This may change how we make appointments but may be necessary to protect everyone. Please be patient with us if changes are made in the chedule. • Call us if you must change your schedule. • We are open for business unless there is an order to close. This is a time for vigilance in preventing the spread of the disease, but NOT a time for panic. We will make every effort to continu op r tions without nt rruption and minimal inconvenience. Thank you i advance f r your help & co eratio . With Confidence and Assurance, Donna Gulick , DPT & Peter Young, DPT with us if changes are made in the schedule. • Call us if you must change your schedule. • We are open for business unless there is an order to close. with us if changes are made in the schedule. • Call us if you must change your schedule. • We are open for business unless there is an order to close. This is a time for vigilance in preventing the spread of the disease, but NOT a time for panic. We will make every effort to continue operations without interruption and minimal inconvenience. Thank you in advance for your help & cooperation. With Confidence and Assurance, Donna Gulick , DPT & Peter Young, DPT This is a time for vigilance in preventing the spread of the disease, but NOT a time for panic. We will make every effort to continue operations without interruption and minimal inconvenience. Thank you in advance for your help & cooperation. With Confidence and Assurance, Donna Gulick , DPT & Peter Young, DPT • Our Senior friends should be extra cautious especially if you have significant health issues. Speak with your PCP if you are unsure about leaving your home for physical therapy, attending the gym/MOG or massage therapy. • Please wash/disinfect your hands when you enter a facility. Please be sure you disinfect equipment before & after each use. We have viricide (Virus killer) & bactericide (Bacteria killer) spray. Spray bottles are readily available. • If you notice anything of concern related to cleanliness or risk of disease transmission, please notify the staff promptly. STAY TUNED FOR OUR NEXT WORKSHOPS Due to COVID-19, all previously scheduled workshops have been cancelled at this time. STAY TUNED FOR OUR NEXT WORKSHOPS Due to COVID-19, all previously scheduled workshops have been cancelled at this time. Be on the lookout for our next workshops by checking our website at: Be on the lookout for our next workshops by checking our website at: orthosportspt.com/workshop Be on the lookout for our next workshops by checking our website at: orthosportspt.com/workshop ort osportspt.co / orkshop Ke ping Your ealth In Mind! At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are closely monitoring the rapidly changing conditions & government response to COVID-19. Our goal during this difficult time is to protect every person from the risk of infection who enters any of our offices while remaining true to our mission of improving and sustaining the well-being of our clients. It is very important to maximize your recovery and achieve y r personal, recovery goals. i r lt In ind! At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are closely monitoring the rapidly changing conditions & government response to COVID-19. Our goal during this difficult time is to prot person from the risk of in ection who enters any of our offices while r ining true to ur miss on f improving and sustaining the well-bein f our clients. It is very important to maximize your recovery and achieve your personal, recovery goals. We have developed a plan to identify potential hazards and reduce the chance of infection. We ask for your assistance in the following ways: • If you are sick and/or exhibit fever, cough, shortness of breath, please notify a member of our staff before entering the office (if possible). We may ne d t reschedule you. Call the office you normally att nd. If you are unsure, pleas all us. E W KSHOP t I - 9, l previous y scheduled workshops have been cancelled at this time.

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