OneWorld 2020 Annual Report

At OneWorld we are grateful to be able to care for our patients and the community through all of life’s moments. It’s safe to say that this will be a time in our lives we will never forget. We are proud of all of our OneWorld teams and the difference they are making through whole person care. “March 3, 2020 is a day I will never forget, said Sarah Miller, APRN, CPNP-PC, OneWorld. We had just mandated masks the day before. We had a person from out of town come to our Northwest clinic with flu and Covid like symptoms. He tested positive for influenza and four days later, we got the results that he was positive for Covid-19. The steps we had taken to prepare prevented the potential spread.” As soon as the news of the Coronavirus broke OneWorld started researching and implementing safety preparations. HVAC systems at all clinics were retrofit with technology that elliminates and filters out any Coronavirus particles, as well as installing portable air filters in high traffic areas. Covid response plans were put in place and updated continually according to the changing CDC recommendations. Our information technology team has been integral, increasing technology capabilities and allowing staff to safely distance and maximize efficiency. Our South Omaha Learning Community Center moved classes to YouTube, and after a couple of months, began virtual classes over Zoom. Home visitors went from visiting homes in person to virtual visits. We found ways to make it work including keeping people on staff, even if their job description changed drastically. “OneWorld has done a great job with safety measures. Throughout the pandemic I have felt safer at work than when I was out in the community.” – Teresa Chavez, Enrollment and Financial Services Supervisor


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