OneWorld 2020 Annual Report

A Covid Assessment Team (CAT) was established to assess patients in cars as well as a team to screen patients over the phone and through telehealth prior to appointments, screeners were in all clinic lobbies to assess patient symptoms and determine at which clinic a patient could be seen. We also established traffic control for our parking lots to direct patients to different locations depending if a patient presented with Covid symptoms or not. Cleaning protocols were enhanced and a secure room was established to store all the supplies needed to help keep patients and staff safe. We moved the lab team to multiple clinic areas, implemented work from home and telehealth protocols, and deployed staff from other jobs and locations to address the increased need for Covid care. School-Based Health Centers and our West Omaha Teen and Young Adult clinic temporarily closed to allow for enough staff in south Omaha to serve the sickest and most vulnerable patients. Some patients started delaying healthcare because they were scared to come for care. This started to affect other aspects of their health, such as their diabetes or hypertension. Our staff had to adapt to new ways to reach and care for patients. “We were trying to figure out how to streamline patient care, move staff to high need areas, triage patients, and keep everyone as safe as possible. It seemed like change was the only constant while we tried to follow changing guidelines, said Vicki Bangert MPAS PA-C, Associate Medical Director of Acute Care. Initially there was fear and anxiety due to the many OneWorld patients being more likely to have exposure to Covid. Covid in south Omaha also affected OneWorld employees by increasing their at home exposure risks.

22 have worked to use the time wisely to look internally so we can come out of Covid stronger. – Brian Penly, D.D.S., Director of Dental Services “ I have seen our team trust each other and trust the safety precautions that the leadership team instituted. As an organization, we

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