OneWorld 2020 Annual Report

“There is one particular story that will stay with me whenever I think about Covid, said Vicki Bangert MPAS, PA-C. A gentleman in his 70s presented to the Quick Sick (our urgent care clinic) front desk stating that he could not wake up his wife. The couple lived in an apartment building above the clinic. The staff came to get me. We got a little bit more information, and the wife was a OneWorld patient, who had recently been diagnosed with Covid and had many other health issues. We called 911. We don’t normally go into homes, but we all had a sense this was not going to be a good situation for this patient. The Fire and Rescue Team got there just as we finished gowning up and getting into our own protective equipment. We followed the first responder to the apartment, since they just sent one firefighter to access the scene due to potential Covid exposure. We found the patient and it was apparent that she has already passed away. I told the husband how sorry I was for the loss of his wife.” When the first prenatal patient presented with Covid there was not much data on how it could affect pregnant women and babies or how to treat them. OneWorld established a protocol to monitor our patients very closely calling every day and having a visit every three days.


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