
M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Women in Business — October 21 - November 17, 2022 — 7D


Women in Business

Stephie Palm, Prologis “Acknowledge your mistakes and grow from your failures-they are going to happen” T

stigma around admitting that. I have realized that relying on your team gives you a sense of support that is critical to be - ing successful. The culture of Prologis has taught me these things which I think is rare and one of the many reasons I value my position at the company. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young woman about to go into the field of commercial real estate or your allied field? Advocate for yourself. Be confident, stay humble and ac - knowledge your mistakes and grow from your failures-they are going to happen. Always be open to learning something new; I learn something new every day from the amazing colleagues around me. MAREJ

I think being self-aware is critical in my role. Often when confronted with an issue I question myself and want to understand the role I may have played and how I can improve and learn from it. I also stay calm during stressful situa - tions which I think is an im - portant trait to show when you are in a leadership role. Lastly, I enjoy connecting with people and helping them in whatever capacity is needed. What challenges and or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to be- come as successful as you are today? The biggest challenge for me to overcome was to acknowl - edge that it’s OK to ask for help and communicate when you are overwhelmed. There could be a

ell us how and when you began your ca- reer in the profession you are in: While I was in college, I worked for a close family friend who was an affordable housing developer and caught the real estate bug. I worked in residential property manage - ment for a few years before making the transition into commercial real estate. Prior to joining Prologis, I worked for CBRE for nine years where I managed mainly office with some retail/industrial. I joined Prologis in 2014 as a Senior Property Manager and was promoted to my current posi - tion as Director of Property Management in 2018. What is your current posi- tion ? I am currently the Director of Property Management for the New Jersey/New York Market. I oversee 55 million square feet of industrial real estate in the NJ/NY Market with a team of 25 people. Who or what has been the

Stephie Palm Real Estate & Customer Experience, Director Prologis Years with company/firm: 8 Years in field: 23 Years in real estate industry: 23 Real estate organizations / affilia - tions: BOMA NJ/NY

saw something in me and was always patient, understand - ing and firm when needed. As I have grown in my career and am now in a leadership role, Jesse Harty has been an invaluable mentor. He is a sounding board for me and is always honest in his feedback. He allows me the room to make mistakes and learn from them. He has also taught me the importance of advocating for yourself and supporting your team. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most suc- cessful in your profession?

strongest influence on your career? Personally, my mother. She raised my sisters and I as a single mother and became a very successful business - woman at a time when oppor - tunities for women - let alone single moms - were few and far between. She has taught us to be strong, independent women and to always be grateful. Professionally I have had two strong influences in my career. Helen Samuelson was a huge influence when I worked early on at CBRE. I didn’t have experience in commercial property management, but she

Advocate for yourself. Be confident, stay humble and acknowledge your mistakes and grow from your failures- they are going to happen.

We are the world’s largest owner, operator, and developer of logistics real estate. We lease modern facilities to a diverse base of customers.


4 8 0 customers 5 4M square feet 2 4 0 buildings

Prologis – NJ/NY One Meadowlands Plaza, Suite 100 East Rutherford, NJ 07073, USA Main: + 1 201 635 6000

www.prologis.com Twitter: @Prologis

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