M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Women in Business — October 21 - November 17, 2022 — 15D
Women in Business
HILADELPHIA, PA — Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP Brown will focus on regulatory & transactional matters while Douglas will be part of the litigation team Brielle A. Brown and Alice F. Douglas join the environmental and energy law firm of MGKF P in the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas. She graduated cum laude from Villanova
and served as president of the Environmental and Energy Law Society. Additionally, Al - ice was an executive member of the Villanova Law Moot Court Board and advanced to the final round of the 60th An - nual Theodore L. Reimel Moot Court Competition. Douglas attended Davidson College for her undergradu- ate degree in Environmental Studies with a minor in Health and Human Values. She grad - uated cum laude and received departmental honors. Brown was a summer as - sociate of the firm in 2020
and 2021. She graduated on the Dean’s List from Drexel University’s Thomas R. Kline School of Law where she won the award for Outstanding Achievement in a Clinical Setting after supporting the successful commutation of a Philadelphia elder. She also served as secretary of the Black Law Students Associa - tion and Online Media Editor for Drexel Law Review. Her note, “Where’s my Ballot?: Why Congress Should Amend House Bill H.R.1 to Include a National Mandate of Drop Boxes for Federal Elections to
Help Protect the Black Vote” was published in Volume 14 of the journal. Brown holds a Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude , in Communications and Rhetori - cal Studies from Syracuse Uni - versity. She was the president of the Kappa Lambda Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta and served as academic chair for the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Prior to law school, Brielle honed her communications and writing skills and received an Emma Bowen Internship at WCAU NBC10 in the investiga - tive department. MAREJ
University Charles Wid - ger School of Law where she received a Dean’s Merit Schol - arship and completed a concentra-
(MGKF) , an environmen- tal, energy, land use law and litiga- tion firm based just outside of Philadelphia announced
Alice F. Douglas
Brielle A. Brown
tion in litigation and dispute resolution. During law school, Douglas was a legal intern for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region III
Rebecca Machinga, Withum Douglas came to the firm after serving as a law clerk to the Honorable Robert O. Baldi that Brielle A. Brown and Alice F. Douglas have joined the firm. Brown will focus on regulatory and transactional matters while Douglas will be part of the litigation team. How do you manage the work/life balance? Some days I’m a better mother and wife, some days I’m a better firm leader. Each day I make sure that I’ve done at least one good thing for each aspect of my life that allows me to believe that some semblance of bal - ance is possible in this world where those lines are now more blurred than ever. What outside activities do you enjoy during you free time? Golfing, reading and race car driving. Yes, race car driv - ing -- for fun. Totally outside the box and the most exhila - rating thing I’ve ever done. I even got to be on the cover of a national magazine in a race car. Granted it was CPA Magazine, but national nonetheless! Doing the photo shoot that day with a professional photographer from NYC was way more intimidat - ing than getting in my car that day and driving around the track at 180 MPH! What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young woman about to go into the field of commercial real estate or your allied field? I live by ten tenants: (1) It’s all about relationships, (2) be true to yourself, (3) don’t try to be someone you’re not, (4) always do the right thing, even when it’s the hardest thing, (5) be trustworthy, (6) be a problem solver, (7) don’t be afraid of failure, (8) bask in the accolades and toot your own horn, (9) build up others around you, and (10) be known for something unique. MAREJ continued from page IC-D
Brielle A. Brown and Alice F. Douglas
484-430-5700 WWW.MANKOGOLD.COM
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