Housing Choices Australia Group - Annual Report 2020

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Our operational highlights of the past year could only take place through the hard work of our sta in Tasmania. These included:

As I wrap up, it would be remiss of me not to take a moment to reflect on how deeply COVID-19 impacted our residents, contractors and sta. Our already vulnerable resident base became further isolated, our locally based and committed contractors lost work and our sta had to rapidly adapt to working in new and restrictive ways. To the credit of all and with the support of our wonderful HCA COVID Response Team, we were able to rise to the challenge. We looked at new ways to connect with residents, limited the “down-time” for our contractors and our sta demonstrated dedication, flexibility and co-operation. With this backdrop, we have come through relatively unscathed and now, as I write this piece, we are recommencing our full range of operations in a new COVID-safe way. I am proud to have been a part of such a positive outcome during dicult times and want to thank every person and organisation that has an involvement with HCT for their commitment, resilience and co-operation. We can’t do what we do without you.

100% success in approval of NRAS incentives;

Delivery of $4.6 million in maintenance works;

Delivery of our remaining heating upgrades;

Achieving an occupancy rate of 99%;

Reducing turnaround times on vacated properties to four (4) days;

Increasing the number of tenancies maintained to 91%; and

Exceeding all performance measures for turnaround times on repairs.


Housing Choices Australia | Annual Report 2019-20

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