Housing Choices Australia Group - Annual Report 2020

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With the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission coming into eect nationally as of 1 July 2019 (excl. Western Australia), the SHG had identified the need to enhance the team’s technical and procedural understanding of disability awareness along with better understanding the requirements of operating under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

To achieve success, the SHG identified the clear need to:

Strengthen team cohesion and communication

Manage the transition to working in the NDIS environment

Increase disability awareness

Explore team sociometry; and

Strengthen team resilience and team dynamics.

The SHG engaged ConsultingbyDesign as part of realising our commitment under pillar one “Develop a robust, resilient and agile organisation” to start shaping our broader SHG identity through engaging in a series of team development workshops. The first workshop was held in October 2019. The outcome of this workshop led to a shared SHG goal that we could achieve the greatest and most sustainable impact by focusing on team dynamics and role transitions whilst using disability references and examples to provide the context for our work. This allowed SHG sta to gain technical and procedural disability knowledge in the context of a team building initiative. The word clouds (right) were a byproduct of the day, which were embraced and continue to inform and guide us on how we will become and evolve as a Specialist Housing Group.



Housing Choices Australia | Annual Report 2019-20

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