
Communauté • Commun i ty

Funding for new project: Eastern Ontario Training Board

The Eastern Ontario Training Board will receive over $366,000 from the Opportuni- ties Fund for Persons with Disabilities for its project to help 32 people with disabilities in the City of Cornwall, United Counties of SD&G, and Akwesasne to overcome bar- riers to employment. “Canadians with disabilities deserve every opportunity to participate in the jobmarket, and that’s why partnerships with organiza- tions like the EasternOntario Training Board are so important,” stressed SD&G Member of Parliament (MP) Guy Lauzon. “Through

this project, people with disabilities in our area will gain the skills and experience they need to succeed in the workforce.” The Eastern Ontario Training Board will assist project participants to develop the skills and experience they need to success- fully enter the jobmarket or return to school. They will learn or improve employment skills such as customer service and computer skills, and gain work experience with local employers in areas such as sales and service. “We are grateful to have the opportunity to provide employment skills and make

connections in the community for people with disabilities,” explained DenisThibault, executive director of the Eastern Ontario Training Board. “We know that everyone has contributions they canmake in the Canadian workforce, and this programwill make sure that we can make it happen for dozens of local residents.” Furthermore, the programwill provide a wage subsidy to employers who create or fill a position with a program participant, and plan to keep the participant employed after the program concluded.

This will allow for training, transition, and long-term job opportunities for dozens of local residents with disabilities that may not find employment otherwise.

Saying thank you to area caregivers

Individuals who were assembled at the Best Western were all smiles. The Champlain Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) celebrated a group of excep- tional caregivers at the 2015 Heroes in the Home Caregiver Recognition Awards. The ceremony honoured 14 individuals of all ages and backgrounds fromCornwall and surrounding areas.The award recipients were nominated bymembers of the commu- nity who were inspired by their selflessness and commitment to helping others. “This year’s Heroes in the Home are faced with unimaginable challenges, and yet they find a way to carry on,’’ said Gilles Lanteigne, CEO, Champlain CCAC. Caregivers are family members, friends, volunteers and health care professionals who make it possible for people to stay at home despite the limitations of age, illness or disability.

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