


Drug warrant Martine Beriquez, 44, Andre Peloquin, 53 and Andre Peloquin Jr., 20, all of Cornwall, were arrested on April 4, 2014 and charged with possession of cocaine and possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. The three were arrested and charged accordingl y . The y were all later released to ap- pear in court on Ma y 6. Criminal harassment, breach A 40- y ear-old Cornwall wo m an was arrested on April 5 and charged with cri m inal harass m ent and breach of probation for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that throughout the evening of April 4, the wo m an sent several te x t m essages to her 33- y ear-old e x -partner despite having been warned not to. Her na m e was not released as it m ight identif y the victi m in the m at- ter. Impaired, assault peace officer, threats, breach and fail to provide Joeanna Gagne of Hogansburg NY, was arrested on April 6, 2014, and charged with i m paired operation of a m otor vehicle, two counts of assault on a peace officer, two counts of threats to life and breach of an undertaking for failing to keep the peace. Police brought her in custod y . She was charged accordingl y and held for a bail hearing. Over 80 Nolan Jacobs, 31, of Cornwall, was arrested on April 5 and charged with over 80. It is alleged that on April 5, the m an was found to be operating a m otor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol at the port of entr y . He was later released to appear in court on April 17. Alanna Wall, 37, of Ingleside, was arrested on April 6 and charged with i m paired operation of a m otor vehicle and fail to re m ain at the scene of an accident. It is alleged that on April 6, the wo m an was found to be operating a m otor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol in the area of Second Street and Glengarr y Boulevard. She was charged accordingl y and later re- leased to appear in court on April 17. Assault, mischief A 32- y ear-old Cornwall m an was arrested on April 6 and charged with as- sault and m ischief. It is alleged that in the earl y m orning hours of April 6, during an argu m ent with his 30- y ear-old co mm on law wife, he flipped the chair she was sitting in and punched a hole in the wall. The m an was taken into custod y , charged accordingl y and held for a bail hearing. Assault, sexual assault and forcible confinement A 29- y ear-old Cornwall m an was arrested on April 6 and charged with assault, se x ual assault and forcible confine m ent. It is alleged that on April 6, during an argu m ent with his 26- y ear-old girlfriend, the m an pushed her against the wall and blocked her path so that she could not leave the resi- dence. The m an was taken into custod y , charged accordingl y and held for a bail hearing. His na m e was not released as it m ight identif y the victi m in the m atter. Warrant Matthieu Boudrias, 24, of Cornwall, was arrested on April 8 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that the m an failed to attend court on March 25 and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was taken into custod y and later released to appear in court on Ma y 20. Breach Michael Isaac, 41, of Khanawake, Quebec, was arrested on April 8 and charged with breaching a recognizance for failing to notif y a change of ad- dress as well as two probation orders for failing to keep the peace. He was taken into custod y , charged accordingl y and later turned over to court staff to be held for a bail hearing. Danielle Vivarais, 22, of Cornwall, was arrested on April 9 and charged with breaching her recognizance for failing to attend scheduled m eetings. The wo m an was located at her residence, taken into custod y and charged ac- cordingl y . She was transported to police headquarters and held for a bail hearing.

donc la population jusqu’au x frontières de Rockland.» Deu x i m ages, e x posées pendant la présentation, ont dé m ontré l’i m portance qu’attribue CHOD à son e x pansion dans les co mm unautés francophones voisines. La pre m ière i m age était celle d’un cercle gé- ant entourant la région de Cornwall et une bonne partie de l’état de New York. Selon M. Charbonneau, le cercle dé m ontrerait jusqu’où les ondes de CHOD étaient cap- tées. «Une bonne partie de nos ondes at- teignent les États-Unis, a fait valoir le di- recteur général. Ça ne sert à rien d’être

CORNWALL | Devant une trentaine d’indi- vidus, les membres du conseil d’admi- nistration de CHOD ont dévoilé les états financiers de la station de radio, ainsi que plusieurs projets pour l’avenir. «Je suis allé voir Cogeco aujourd’hui, a e x pliqué le vice-président du conseil d’ad m inistration, S y d Gardiner. Puis je suis heureu x de vous annoncer que la station nous a accordé un bloc d’une heure pour

présent jusqu’à New York. Nous devrions donc nous tourner vers Prescott-Rus- sell.» M. Charbonneau a ensuite présenté le deu x iè m e cercle, lequel, cette fois, entourait la m a- jorité de l’Est on- tarien francophone. Selon les plans, New York cesserait d’être desservi par CHOD. L’installation de la tour de radio est prévue pour le m ois de septe m bre.

Photo Francis Racine

Le conseil d’administration de CHOD a accueilli deux nou- veaux membres lors de la réunion annuelle de celle-ci le 8 avril dernier. En photo, le CA, suivant la réunion. Margo Pepin, Syd Gardiner, Jules Bourdon, Marc Bissonnette, Gaudias Dumont et Jean Lecompte.

Situation financière Les états financiers ont été présentés par Jean Leco m pte, secrétaire-trésorier pour CHOD. Le rapport a été bien détaillé, m ais si m ple. Plusieurs individus présents ont affir m é avoir apprécié la si m plicité du rap- port de M. Leco m pte. Celui-ci a souligné l’i m portance d’avoir plus d’argent qui en- tre que d’argent qui ressort. Bien que les dépenses engendrées par la station de ra- dio soient élevées, celle-ci serait en bonne santé financière. «Nous avons à ce m o m ent 43 313,75$ en banque, a e x pliqué M. Leco m pte. Notre bingo nous a a m ené un total de 23 000$!» southern Ontario.” According to the Minister, the Federal Govern m ent’s 2012 Econo m ic Action Plan supported the Cooper Marsh Conservators Inc. with an invest m ent of up to $125,726. The invest m ent was and continues to be utilized in order to rebuild, widen, and lengthen boardwalks and build new view- ing platfor m s throughout the m arshlands. “The i m prove m ents m ade throughout the conservation area will attract a higher nu m ber of tourists and locals fro m nearb y co mm unities, contributing to the local econo my , and creating jobs and growth within this co mm unit y , said MP Gu y Lau- zon.

qu’on puisse avoir une é m ission franco- phone.» Tout se m ble pointer vers un avenir cer- tain pour la station de radio francophone. Son directeur général, Marc Charbonneau, a aussi e x pliqué les prochaines étapes que la station poursuit dans sa quête pour ob- tenir une nouvelle tour de trans m ission. Celle-ci aurait une hauteur de plus de 300 m ètres et desservirait 55 000 francophones dans la région de Prescott-Russell. «Nous devons être dans le m arché naturel, a déclaré M. Charbonneau. Prescott-Russell, c’est là où il y a le plus de francophones dans l’Ontario. Notre station desservirait LANCASTER | On April 8, Minister of State Gary Goodyear, accompanied by local MP Guy Lauzon, celebrated the improve- ments made to the Cooper Marsh in Lan- caster, Ontario while touring the new fea- tures now open to the public. The event m arks the co m pletion of sev- eral i m prove m ents that have elevated the m an- m ade m arsh into a pri m e location for wetland wildlife viewing. “Our govern- m ent’s invest m ent in the Cooper Marsh project has enhanced this unique location into a pri m e tourist attraction for viewing wetlands, e x pressed Good y ear. “When we i m prove touris m , we are strengthening our co mm unities and building a prosperous

Goodyear at Cooper Marsh

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