
ATVers charged during crackdown

operate any vehicle when consuming


alcohol. Read the instruction manual and

followmanufacturer’s recommendations.

Several charges were laid against all-

terrain vehicle operators during a blitz by

Body recovered

police in the Alfred area on the Easter




about ATVs and dirt bikes, the Ontario

Provincial Police Ontario East Region Snow

Vehicle, Al-Terrain Vehicle and Vessel

The body of Sébastien Martineau,

Enforcement (SAVE) Team and the

reported missing in late December, was


found last Friday at the Hydro-Québec

many ATVs.

Carillon dam at St-André d’Argenteuil.

Here is a list of the offences: failure to


register ATV, expired plates, failure towear

the 23-year-old Grenville man who is

helmet on off-road vehicle, unlawfully

believed to have slipped into the Ottawa

driving off-road vehicle on highway,

River near the Long Sault Bridge in

operating unapproved off-road vehicles on

Hawkesbury December 23, the last time he

the roadway, absence of low-pressure

was seen alive. Shortly before noon April


29, a Hydro-Québec employee discovered

passengers on off-road vehicles on the

the corpse at the dam on the Ottawa River,

highway, G-1 driver operating an ATV on

relates Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial

the roadway.

Police detachment spokesman Constable

Officers also stopped automobiles on the

Pierre Dubois.

roadway where seat belt charges were laid.

The employee alerted the Sûreté du

Photo Richard Mahoney

A driver of a motor vehicle was charged for

Québec who later notified the O.P.P.

Champlain Township Mayor Gary Barton, Hawkesbury Mayor René Berthiaume,



Natural ResourcesMinister Linda Jeffrey andGlengarry-Prescott-RussellM.P.P. Jean-

wasseized. ATVoperatorsmustremember

for a post mortem.

Marc Lalonde.

to always wear an approved helmet. Never

$31 million clean-up

TX760B Tracteur avec chargeur avant et rétrocaveuse arrière

to start this summer

help provide its residents with cleaner air


and water, benefit the local economy, and

create a clean, green space for residents and

tourists,” the government says.

Many things have changed since

“This project is a significant investment

lobbying began years ago for the removal

in the health of the environment and will

of wastes from the former Canadian

provide cleaner air andwater for the people

International Paper waste lagoon in

living in Hawkesbury. It will also provide


recreational clean and green space on the

“The value of the project has also

waterfront for the future,” said Jeffrey.

changed,” said Glengarry-Prescott-Russell

“The clean-up of this site is excellent

M.P.P. Jean-Marc Lalonde.



Originally estimated at $20 million, the

air andwater alongwith a better waterfront

price tag has now jumped to $31 million,


however, Ontario Ministry of Natural

and offer an even better quality of life,” said



not be known until tenders are received.

The Canadian International Paper

“This is a great day for Hawkesbury,”


Natural Resources Minister Linda Jeffrey

continued until 1985 when it closed the mill

said last week in announcing that the first

Equipé d’un moteur Perkins de 87 hp, d’un godet avant de 93 po avec attache hydraulique, godet arrière de 30 po avec attache rapide, rétrocaveuse avec une profondeur d’excavation de 19 pi 3 po à pleine extension. Poids en opération de 6 887 kg (15 150 lb). Grande cabine spacieuse, siège à l’air (ride control), A/C et chauffage, transmission inverseur de marche électro-hydraulique à 4 vitesses avant et 4 arrière.

and tore it down.


The land was re-established as Crown

An evaluation of the best way to excavate


sludge and remove wastewater at the site

for the lagoon.

will help develop a plan for rehabilitating

At the time the mill closed, there were no

the site.

regulations in place requiring the company


Financement à 2.9% ou 4200 $ rabais comptant

to clean it up. Waste disposal sites are now

sections. Sludge will be pumped from the

required by law to have approved closure

east lagoon to a discharge point in the west

plans in place.

lagoon. The wastes will then be covered.

Tendering for phase one of the project


will start in early May, with testing and

“Cleaning up the former Canadian

5024, Country Route 17, Alfred (Ontario) K0B 1A0 613 679-1103 Téléc. : 613 679-4843

evaluation work expected to start in July of

International Paper Wet Lagoon site will

this year.

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