King's Business - 1968-05

2FreeOffers . . . t o Sunday School leaders who are concerned about reaching and holding TEENS

TALKING IT OVER with Dr, Clyde M. Narramore

Dr. Narramore, graduate el Columbia University, Now York City, is a nationally known psychologist. Ho is the director of one of America's

Free Offer #1

UNSURE A T SIXTEEN Q. Will you please tell me if I did the right thing? Two weeks ago, my boy friend and I broke up after a year of going together. We are both sixteen and in high school. We en­ joyed being together and sharing each other’s viewpoints. I have a real admiration for him and he’s actually the type of fellow who is my idea of a good husband and father. The night we broke up I told him we were both too young and that he should get to know some other girls. I want a happy marriage for both of us and it seems that for so many the beauty of marriage is spoiled be­ cause so many kids have to get mar­ ried. He was so understanding and considerate that it made it hard to think of breaking up. We prayed to­ gether for God’s will for our lives. Now, here is my problem: all my girl friends have steady boys and date two or three times a week. They say they’re so sure they have found the right ones they are to marry. At 16, can you be positively sure you have the right one? Adults say that people change so much from age 16 to 19 on their views and understand­ ing of life. I don’t know if the person I am sure of at 16 would be the same at 21. Then I keep asking myself, “ Will he remember me and aU the great times we had together, after a year or two ?’’ If his affection was sincere, could I rest assured that he would not forget me over a period of sepa­ ration? Did I do the right thing in break­ ing off going steady? A . I think it is wonderful that, as a girl of 16, you are seriously consid­ ering all of these things. Marriage is indeed one of the most important steps you will ever take. You were wise in breaking off with this boy and it is smart thinking that unless you and he date a number of others, how can you tell which one you espe­ cially like? You raised the point about the change that takes place between the age of 16 and 19 or so. If at 16 you realize that you are much more ma-

largest psychological clinics— The Christian Counseling confer in Rosemead, CaHfomia.

ture than you were at 14, then just add two more years and you will realize that when you are 18, there will also be a great change. You would not want to marry, would you, boys you knew when you were 14, and the same might apply to this boy with whom you have been going. Another suggestion: every young woman should ask herself, “ If I go into marriage, what do I have to offer?” If a young man is consider­ ing marriage, he too should ask him­ self, “What can I bring to this mar­ riage to enhance it? Do I bring a good education, a good position, vo­ cational training? What is my finan­ cial potential?” For, what you are able to bring to a marriage will de­ termine what it will be. A young per­ son should consider, “Have I seen the things and gone the places I would like to? Would I have more to offer a marriage if I waited a few years?” All of these things need to be considered. You mention that your girl friends are going steady with boys. Well, it is certainly not the finest compli­ ment to say that you are sixteen and going steady. It is like saying, “ I’m just stuck.” And it’s true. If you’re stuck at 16, it is pretty serious. You should be happy that you are not in the same boat as they are. If they are not careful, they will marry too soon and may end up with broken hearts, broken dreams, and, worst of all, broken personalities. Here is a portion of scripture that will be a great help in this matter. God is interested in you! Surely He will direct your path, and as you trust Him, He will bring into your life the life partner of His choosing for you. “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways ac­ knowledge Him and He shall direct your path” (Proverbs 3 :5 ).

Research Report: Why Teens Quit Church

Here, in an easy-to-read, 16- page booklet, are the results of several surveys. Sunday School and church dropouts were i nterv iewed— gave straight-out answers as to WHY they quit. Shocking. Dis­ turbing. Factual. More impor­ tant-gives 5 specific ways you can help STOP this drop­ ping out. Send for your free copy.

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