

Foodland teamed up with the food bank for the cause, allowing shoppers to purchase and donate bags of pre-packaged food in $5, $10 or $20 amounts. Cash donations could also be made to help the food drive. Those who missed out on the Saturday food drive could also make nonperishable food dona- tions at the Creating Centre every Saturday and Sunday until December 13. Zumba instructor Lou Stephenson, meanwhile, will host a special virtual class between December 1 and December 12 to support the food bank. Zu-Lou had held fundraisers over the past eight years to support the food bank, but would hold a virtual event this year due to social distanc- ing restrictions. While the class would be free for anybody who needed a “morale boost,” donations were encouraged during each session in order to support the Vankleek Hill Food Bank. Anyone interested could visit . Shopping local Champlain Township, has launched a “shop local” campaign to support busi- nesses affected by the pandemic. The municipality’s Facebook page has highlighted Christmas gift ideas from individual local CVTJOFTTFTTJODF/PWFNCFS A craft fair and the local farmers’ market will also continue through December on wee- LFOET5IF7BOLMFFL)JMM'BSNFST.BSLFU has moved indoors at 79 Derby Street and runs between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The market asks patrons to carry a tag left at the door of each room in the building, which helped

Social distancing did not stop the Vankleek Hill community from spread- ing Christmas cheer over the weekend. Charities, businesses and even Santa himself came together over the weekend to celebrate the start of the most magical time of year . While the town would usually host its popular Christmas Parade of Lights at this time of year, COVID-19 prevented such an event from happening in 2020. Instead of a parade, families were en- couraged to drive through the town to see the Christmas lights and displays outside houses and businesses. Photos and videos of the displays were also posted on social media on Friday, giving families the chance to see the decorations from the comfort of their own homes. Santa made an appearance in both Vankleek Hill and L’Orignal early on Friday evening. Although children were not able to meet with him in person, Santa and a trust sidekick made their way through both villages, spreading cheer both in person and on social media. Charities .FBOXIJMF MPDBMTPQFOFEUIFJSIFBSUTUP those in need at a food drive outside the 7BOLMFFL)JMM'PPEMBOEPO4BUVSEBZ.PSF than $1300 worth of food was donated to the Vankleek Hill Food Bank during Saturday and the week prior, while another $1200 in other donations was also collected.

Plutôt que le traditionnel défilé de Noël, les familles ont été encouragées à traverser la ville en voiture pour voir les illuminations de Noël et les étalages à l’extérieur des maisons et des entreprises. Des photos et des vidéos de ces décorations ont également été publiées sur les médias sociaux le vendredi, donnant ainsi aux familles la possibilité de voir les décorations dans le confort de leur propre maison. Le père Noël a profité de l’occasion pour visiter Vankleek Hill et L’Orignal vendredi soir. — photo fournie

limit the number of customers in each area. The Christmas Craft Fair, meanwhile, is held at the Creating Centre every Saturday

and Sunday until December 13. Five crafters are selected each weekend to limit the num- ber of people and allow social distancing.


Le (la) candidat(e) devra effectuer le programme d’entretien préventif. Ajuster et réparer les machines au besoin. S’assurer d’un inventaire minimum de pièces de rechange. Effectuer des travaux d’entretien sur l’immeuble. Effectuer tous travaux nécessaires à la bonne marche des opérations. (1) ÉLECTROMÉCANICIEN DE JOUR Qualifications requises : 1. Formation : • Diplôme d’études collégiales en technologie de la maintenance industrielle combinée à (1) à (3) ans d’expérience dans un milieu manufacturier. et/ou • Diplôme d’études professionnelles en électrotechnique combinée à (3) à (5) ans d’expérience dans un milieu manufacturier.

2. Aptitudes et exigences requises : • Bon sens de l’organisation et des priorités; • Habileté manuelle et aptitude en sciences (physique, mathématiques); • Curiosité, polyvalence et débrouillardise; • Aimer résoudre des problèmes concrets et innover; • Flexibilité; • Disponibilité pour effectuer du temps supplémentaire; • Licence C – un atout • Connaitre contrôle numérique – un atout ( CMS ) ( BIESS ) (KOMO)

3. Horaire de travail : Lundi au vendredi inclus : 7h à 15h30

Si vous croyez être le (la) candidat(e) que nous recherchons, veuillez vous présenter avec votre curriculum vitae au : Prémoulé Inc. • 1245, rue tessier, Hawkesbury (Ontario) Nous remercions tous les candidats. Seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. N.B. Prémoulé Inc. souscrit au principe d’équité en emploi. Service des ressources humaines •

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