


community group opposed to the cement plant project. He noted that there would be “a substantial amount” of truck traffic in and out of the plant site once it was in operation and that nearby homeowners would suffer from an almost-constant loud beeping of backup warning signals as each USVDLNBOFVWFSFEBCPVU UPFJUIFSQJDLVQ or drop off loads. Inside the facility, VanDelden noted some iEJTDSFQBODJFTuJOUIFEFDJCFMMFWFMàHVSFT on interior noise stated in the Golder & Asso- ciates consultant report on the proposed DFNFOUQMBOU)FPCTFSWFEUIBUHJWFOUIF BNPVOUPGBDUJWFWFOUJMBUJPOFRVJQNFOUOFF - ded to clear the inside air of dust particles during the cement-making process the actual amount of noise “should be much louder” than the report claimed. VanDelden told the LPAT tribunal that,

based on his own experience studying and SFWJFXJOHTJNJMBSJOEVTUSJBMTFUVQT IFRVFT - tioned whether or not any sound baffling system would be able to deal with all the noise sources at the facility. He also noted a potential problem of ice hampering any sound-baffling setup during winter operations at the plant. i*IBWFZFUUPTFFPOF TJMFODFSTZTUFN  function well during winter,” said VanDelden, “and continue to function well.” VanDelden also expressed doubt that the Ministry PG &OWJSPONFOU .P&  XPVME CF BCMF UP do proper policing of any industrial noise problems at the plant if it was built. The .P&XPVMESFTQPOEUPTQFDJàDDPNQMBJOUT  he stated, but how soon it would response was uncertain. “The ministry’s capacity to police these UIJOHT JT WFSZ WFSZ UIJO uIFTBJEi*ONZ FYQFSJFODF UIF.JOJTUSZPG&OWJSPONFOUJT UPP UIJOBOETUSFUDIFEPVU UPDIFDLFWFSZ facility under its jurisdiction.” The three-week main hearing portion of UIF-1"5 SFWJFXPG UIF$PMBDFNDFNFOU QMBOUDBTFFOEFE/PWFNCFS5IFIFB - SJOHSFTVNFT%FDFNCFS BOEBEEJUJPOBM TDIFEVMFEEBUFTJODMVEF%FDFNCFS  and 18. SMALL TAX INCREASE FOR UCPR BUDGET

An expert witness for opponents of a cement plant project near L’Orginal questions whether it is possible to reduce or eliminate noise pollution from the proposed facility. “There are a substantial number of (sound) sources that would require mitiga- tion,” said J. Peter VanDelden, during his UFTUJNPOZ'SJEBZ /PWFNCFS BUUIFFOEPG the second week of a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) appeal hearing on Case 1- DPODFSOJOH$PMBDFN$BOBEB Ltd.’s proposed cement plant project near L’Orignal. VanDelden, who has a degree from UIF6OJWFSTJUZPG8BUFSMPP  JTPOFPG UIF expert witnesses for Action Champlain, the

Un témoin expert d’un groupe communautaire opposé à un projet de cimenterie près de L’Orignal a exprimé des doutes, lors d’une audition publique sur la question, quant à l’exactitude du rapport d’un consultant sur la pollution sonore potentielle de l’installation. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Quart cuisse +quart poitrine Quarter leg + quarter breast

Le budget 2021 des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell est maintenant approuvé avec une augmentation d’impôt d’un pour cent. —photo d’archives


The United Counties of Prescott-Russell stuck with a one-per-cent tax increase for the 2021 budget. $PVODJMBQQSPWFEUIFàOBMCVEHFUGPSOFYU year for the United Counties of Prescott-Rus- TFMM 6$13 EVSJOHJUT8FEOFTEBZ /PWFNCFS NFFUJOH5IFCVEHFU JODMVEFTBPOF per-cent tax increase that UCPR Finance Director Valérie Parisien told council will mean about a property tax increase of $4 GPSFWFSZ BTTFTTFEWBMVF GPSB residential property in the counties. 5IF UPUBMCVEHFU  JODMVEJOHCPUI operations and capital works portions, is   5IFNVOJDJQBMMFWZQBSUPG UIFCVEHFU XIJDIJTQSPQFSUZUBYSFWFOVF  JT   The UCPR finance department is waiting GPS UIF.VOJDJQBM1SPWJODJBM"TTFTTNFOU $PSQUPQSPWJEFEFUBJMTPODPOàSNFEQSPQFSUZ assessment figures and other calculations for the Prescott-Russell region. Once that JOGPSNBUJPOJTSFDFJWFE UIFEFQBSUNFOUDBO QSFQBSFUIFUBYSBUFTGPSBMMQSPQFSUZ classes within the region for council’s appro- WBMUPBMMPXQSFQBSBUJPOPGUIFàOBMQSPQFSUZ tax notices that are mailed out in spring.

456 County Road 17, HAWKESBURY Achat minimal requis de deux repas quarts de poulet. / Minimum of two quarter chicken meals. *Taxe en sus. Promotion offerte pour un temps limité dans les rôtisseries participantes. Offre valide au comptoir à emporter et au service au volant. Applicable aussi à la livraison pour 11 $ par repas. Pour un nombre de repas impair, le repas quart cuisse a priorité. Présentations suggérées. Jusqu’à épuisement des stocks. Ne peut être jumelée à aucune autre offre spéciale ou promotion. MD Coca-Cola Ltée, utilisée sous licence. MD Marque déposée de St-Hubert S.E.C. / *Tax extra. Promotion available for a limited time at participating rotisseries. Offer valid at take-out counters and drive-thru services. Also valid at delivery for $11 per meal. For an odd number of meals, the quarter chicken leg meal has priority. Suggested servings. While supplies last. Cannot be combined with any other special offer or promotion. ® Coca-Cola Ltd., used under licence. ® Registered trademark of St-Hubert L.P.

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