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Lameilleure école, c’est ici. inscription.csdceo.ca VOTRE ENFANT DÉBUTE L’ÉCOLE EN SEPTEMBRE 2021?
Panna Chakraborty (à gauche) a promis à sa femme, Sudipta, avant sa mort, qu’il perpétuerait leur tradition de fournir des repas de Noël à ceux qui en ont besoin. Avec l’aide de son ami, Tim McRae (à droite), cette tradition se poursuit. Toute personne de Hawkesbury qui a besoin d’un repas de Noël peut téléphoner ou envoyer un SMS au 514-994-5870 ou au 514-970-5691 avant le 19 décembre et venir le chercher le 22 décembre au Crevier Express sur la rue Principale. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
me and the kids did deliveries in the evening, dropping food at the door, ringing the bell, and then leaving. We were all trying to help.” /PX XPSLJOHXJUI1BOOB UIFQMBO JT to provide full turkey dinners, with all the trimmings, to anyone who wants one, no questions asked. All anyone has to do is QIPOFPS PS text either number, provide a name for the pickup and how many dinners are needed. "MMPSEFSTOFFEUPCFJOCZ%FDFNCFS GPSQJDLVQPO%FDFNCFS#FUXFFOUIPTF UXPEBUFT UIF.D3BFTXJMMCFCVTZDPPLJOH and packaging all of the dinners then taking them over to the Crevier Express for pickup by the people who ordered them. 1BOOBXJMMCFUIFSFGSPNBNUPQN to make sure that every order is collected. i8F DBNF IFSF UP $BOBEB FNQUZ handed,” said Panna, regarding the reason he and his Sudipta began their Christmas tradition. “What we got back from this country, it was a way for us to give back too.”
With a little help from his friends, Panna Chakraborthy is keeping a promise to his wife to bring a little Christmas cheer to those who need it. “It was because of her that I became involved,” said Chakraborthy, recalling the past happy years with his wife, Sudipta, and their annual tradition of providing Christmas dinners to those who needed a little comfort BOEDIFFSEVSJOHUIF:VMFUJEF They started their Christmas dinner USBEJUJPOXIFOUIFZMJWFEJOUIF/PUSF%BNF EF(SÄDFEJTUSJDUPG.POUSÊBMBOEPXOFEB SFTUBVSBOU MB.BJTPO*OEJB&WFSZZFBSUIF couple would dedicate a day just before Christmas when they provided meals at their restaurant, free of charge, to anyone who walked in. i"OEFWFSZZFBSXFVTFEUPGFFEUIF/%( fire department and the police department,” said Chakraborthy. “We also provided meals to the food bank.” He estimated that some years they fed as many as 2000 people. When the couple moved to Hawkesbury about five years ago and bought the Crevier Express gas bar at UIFJOUFSTFDUJPOPG5VQQFS4USFFUBOE.BJO Street, they continued their annual Christmas dinner tradition. In June this year, Sudipta passed away. But before she died, she made her Panna promise “to take care of the people” and continue their Christmas dinner tradition. With a little help from his friends, Tim and $IBOUBM.D3BF BOEUIFJSDBUFSJOHCVTJOFTT Panna is making good on his promise to his beloved Sudipta. 5IF.D3BFTPXOBOEPQFSBUF"$BUFSJOH Affair, and business has been a bit quiet during the pandemic. They are more than happy to offer Panna their volunteer help with keeping the promise he made to his Sudipta. “It’s a good way to take your mind off your PXOQSPCMFNT uTBJE5JN.D3BF It won’t be the first time this year that the .D3BFTIBWFEFEJDBUFEUIFJSDBUFSJOHTLJMMT UPIFMQJOHPUIFST%VSJOHUIFTQSJOH XJUIUIF help of a small donation from a friend, they put together 500 meals for distribution to seniors in need. “I cooked most of the day, my wife took BMMUIFQIPOFDBMMT uTBJE.D3BF iBOEUIFO
Before she died in June this year, Sudipta Chakraborty (pictured here) made her husband, Panna, promise, before she died that he would carry on their tradition of providing Christmas dinners to those in need.. Anyone in Hawkesbury who needs a Christmas dinner can phone or text 514-994- 5870 or 514-970-5691 before December 19 and pick it up December 22 at the Crevier Express on Main Street. —supplied photo
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