
20B — May 27 - June 9, 2016 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

Holt Construction announces Asaro as Shareholder

For exceptional, consistent sales performanc Gebroe-Hammer names Tragash Salesperson of the Year

ity – optimally in the same in- dustry. Be sure to take on-site tours of buildings the company has helped design, develop and build, both new and old, as you’ll want to ensure the buildings stand the test of time. • Client Service: Construc- tion management and design/ build companies, like any other organization, operate for profit. The most desirable of these, however, are aware that their own success hinges upon that of their clients. Be sure to assess a firm beyond photographs in a project portfolio. Look for a company that has verifiable examples of how they provided solutions when unexpected problems that arose. Experi- enced firms will have a well honed protocol to minimize surprises and to keep a client duly informed. Much is also said about providing outstand- ing client service throughout the course of a project, but what about after final payment has been rendered and a project is complete? Will the level of service change? It’s important to thoroughly interview past clients of the development and design/build firm under consid- eration, and to specifically ask about post-project interactions. Stellar referrals in this regard will speak volumes about a company’s integrity and char- acter. Use this project life cycle- based check list when hiring a commercial developer and design/builder and you’ll be well on your way to a successful outcome that not only meets, but may very well exceed, ex- pectations. Ryan and Michael Regina are co-founders and own- ers of Big Sky Enterprises, a design, build and finance company. n Asaro became president of the firm in 2013 and has lead the current growth and success of Holt including the firm’s ex- pansion into the Philadelphia and Houston Construction markets. Under Asaro’s guid- ance, Holt has built on it’s 97 year reputation as a quality- first construction. Asaro has over two decades of experience in construction management and general construction. He has extensive experience in projects requir- ing critical planning, staging, logistics, and maintenance of uninterrupted ongoing daily operations. n

PEARL RIVER, NY — Holt Construction Corp. announced that Christopher


Asaro , cur- rent presi - dent and 16- year Holt em- ployee, has joined Jack H o l t a n d Jay Ho l t , as a Share- h o l d e r o f

property owners consider going green? Earth Day certainly shines the light on our responsibility to care for the environment. At Levin, we look for new ways to enhance the value of the shopping centers we manage 365 days per year, by imple- menting projects that will increase operational efficiency while upholding and enhanc- ing their competitive position. The fact is that many of the Chapter 8 of ASHRAE 90.1 includes requirements for me- tering and controlling power to receptacles. However, the NJ adoption (in our infinite wis- dom) makes this entire chapter “optional”. This will reduce the total energy savings expected from the standard. The mini- mum efficiency requirements firm’s late founders, Mel Ge- broe and Morris Hammer, the annual peer-selected award recognizes one brokerage pro- fessional for exceptional, con- sistent sales performance. “Stephen is respected by owners, investors, banking institutions and attorneys throughout the multi-family investment industry,” said Ken Uranowitz , president. “He subscribes to a ‘dig in and see the deal through from start to finish’ work ethic, whichmir- rors his ‘all-in’ approach to join- ing the investment brokerage profession. Stephen has been able to soak in information and remain agile – pre- and post-Great Recession – by ap- plying both traits to each of his successes.” Tragash has been instru- mental in expanding the firm’s the power allowances are trad- able, while some (i.e., building facades) cannot be exceeded by reducing the power for other applications. Lighting control require- ments change dramatically. In many space types, the lights cannot turn on automatically. There must be local control in the space. All lights must of course automatically turn off within 20 minutes of all occupants leaving the space. Automatic daylight respon- sive controls are required for sidelighting (windows) and for toplighting (skylights). Light- ing controls must be tested to ensure they are properly cali- brated and programmed.

best measures to modernize properties and push them to the next level today involve pro-environment measures. Owners and operators that embrace these opportunities can create economic and mar- keting value while at the same time reducing their carbon footprint. Levin Management has been creating added value for institutional and private retail real estate owners. n for transformers are mandated by Federal Regulation (10 CFR 431), so what we previously used for high-efficiency (CSL-3) are now the minimum required. These changes are pretty comprehensive. The additional capital costs to implement these measures have been esti- mated and are justified by the energy cost savings. The new control measures have been made possible by advances in the technology and the reduc- tion in their costs. We are seeing great success with new wireless controls that com- municate via a mesh network, which further reduces the cost of implementation. It is an in- teresting and exciting time to be involved in this industry. I encourage everyone involved in building design and operation to learn the details of the new code requirements. William Amann, P.E., DCEP, LEED Fellow is President of M&E Engi- neers, Inc. Board Member, USGBC-NJ. n presence throughout Union County, Morris County and beyond during his nine years with Gebroe-Hammer. He also has closed some of the region’s most high-profile transactions in markets with a high concen- tration of post-World War II- era low-to-mid-rise properties. Recent achievements include being a member of the broker- age team involved in the $12.17 million trade of a 119-unit garden-apartment community in Union County and the $11.2 million sale of 80 units in Mor- ris County. Additional high- lights also include two separate sales of a five- and three-story building along Washington Ave. in Belleville; the trade of 91 total units in the City of Elizabeth; and three separate sales in Chatham totaling 408 units. n

IVINGSTON, NJ — It has been said timing is everything. Although

G e b r o e - H a m m e r Assoc i at es ’ S t e p h e n T r a g a s h e m b a r k e d on a new ca- reer path just b e f o r e t h e Great Reces-

Christopher Asaro

Holt Construction. Asaro will continue his role as President, guiding the firmwith his many years of experience and exper- tise in companywide develop- ment and quality control.

Stephen Tragash

often, prospective tenants – particularly national retail- ers – are asking us to increase the R-value in their roofs. Ten- ants recognize that in addition to promoting sustainability, higher R-value roofs decrease their utility costs. This can be a positive differentiator in their choosing a property over other sites with older, less insulated roofs. In general, why should The bigger change in HVAC is with respect to the controls. DDC controls with graphics display and trending are now required on many systems, and there are many new control strategies that are necessary. Multiple boiler and chiller plants now require that all fluid flow is stopped through ma- chines that are not operating. There are reductions to the Maximum Lighting Power Densities, with office build- ings reduced from 1.0 to 0.82 W/Ft2 and schools from 1.2 to 0.87 W/Ft2. Exterior building lighting power is now restricted depending on the “Zone”, i.e. rural areas and state parks (Zone 1) are more restricted than a commercial business district (Zone 4). The number of exterior lighting applications is greatly expanded. Some of of the unit. The efficiencies for furnaces and boilers only increase marginally, as high- efficiency units are not (yet) required as the minimum. sion, he never questioned his decision. The South Orange resident immediately distin- guished himself as one of the region’s leading urban and suburban multi-family invest- ment brokerage specialists and has added a new milestone to his achievements – being named the firm’s Salesperson of the Year. Named in memory of the

Choosing the right construction manager and design . . .

the cost and longer the work turnaround time. While this isn’t true with all large firms it does happen more often than not. Third, an engineering firm must have an in-depth under- standing of state, county and local agency requirements. A well rounded engineer under- stands the black, the white and the grey of a projects interpre- tation. • Legal: Hiring legal help is very similar to engineering with respect to relationships and understanding require- ments of state, county and local agencies, including laws and ordinances. Legal counsel that knows the players within a particular township canmake a project much less turbulent. It’s also important that legal repre- sentatives have adequate expe- rience in Land Use Law, as the right counsel will know when a governing body is operating outside its jurisdiction. As a course of businesses, a full ser- vice construction manager and design/builder will identify and manage such legal aspects of project to readily work through the red tape. • Construction: Once the design, development and other front-end aspects of a project are approved, it’s time to build! Having a construction manager and design/builder on board from the vision stage through project completion means that you don’t have to go through the bid process yet again when it’s time to break ground. As goes without saying, the con- struction manager and design/ build firm you hire should have extensive experience serving as project manager and gen- eral contractor for commercial construction projects of similar size, scale, scope and complex- continued from page 2B

continued from page 12B Updated energy code will have big . . .

continued from page 13B Sustainability efforts rise to the forefront in modernizing . . .

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