Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Chapter Three


In the Mahäbharata , concerning Samudragaòa there is the following statement: “O King, all the seventy million térthas of this universe are present in Sapta Samudra‑tértha.” In the Viñëu Puräëa it is said: “This is the ninth island, surrounded by the ocean.” In the Garga‑saàhitä , concerning Vidyänagara it is stated: “He went to that attractive Vedanagara in Jambudvépa, where all the scriptures incarnate reside. At the assembly, Sarasvaté herself, with vina and book in hand, sings the all‑auspicious qualities of Kåñëa. O king, at this village of the Vedas , the eight talas (rythms), seven svaras (melodies), and three gramas (groups of melodies) are personally present. Mémäàsä is the hand of the Vedas , astrology is the eye, Äyur‑veda (medicine) is the back, Dhanur‑veda (military science) is the chest, Gandharva‑veda (music) is the tongue, Vaiçeñika is the mind, Säìkhya is the intellect, nyäya (logic) is the false ego, and Vedänta is the heart.” In the Garga‑saàhitä , concerning Rukmapura, Räma‑tértha, it is said: “OKing of Videha, the auspicious place where Balaräma bathed in the Ganges (after killing Koläsura) is called Räma‑tértha by wise men. Whoever bathes there during the Kärtika Pürëimä gains a hundred times the results of bathing in Haridvära.” “Bahulasva said, ‘ Tell me how far Räma‑tértha is from Kusanagara, and where it is situated.’ “Närada said, ‘ O King, the wise say that Räma‑tértha is situated thirty‑twomiles northeast of Kusanagara, thirty‑twomiles northwest of Koladvépa, twelve miles southeast of Karëakñetra, and ten miles southeast of Nalakñetra. It is six miles from Våddhakeçé and Bilvakeçavana in the east.’ “There was a king in Navadvépa named Dåçhäçva, who always laughed at the deformed Lomaça Muni. The sage cursed him, ‘ O cruel‑minded one, you will become a fierce pig‑faced demon.’ “By the sage’s curse, the king was born as a demon with a pig’s face. Later, when Balaräma beat that demon, named Kola, the demon gave up that body and attained liberation. Then Balaräma, accompanied by his ministers such as Uddhava, went to Jahnu‑tértha, where the Ganges appeared from Jahnu Muni’s right ear after he swallowed the river. Thus Ganges takes her name Jähnavé, having emerged from the ear of the great brähmaëa

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