Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya



“O Lord Gauräìga, will I ever be able to see Your golden jewel‑like figure here?” Jéva repeatedly called out. At that time, Gauräìga’s kértana party became visible before their eyes. Nectar was defeated by the beautiful form of Gauräìga, who then began dancing. Then Nityänanda Prabhu, along with Advaita and all the other devotees, began to sing Gauräìga’s glories. The sound of mådaìgas and karatälas joined in as that sweet display of saìkértana manifested the previous pastime. The bliss of that scene, which lasted uptil midday, is impossible to describe. Then, singing loudly the glories of Gauräìga, the party of pilgrims entered Devapallé. In that village, they took rest as the guests of the presiding Deity, Nåsiàha, and then took their midday meals. At the last minutes of daylight, as they all wandered in the village, Nityänanda spoke: “This is Devapallé, and here is the temple of Nåsiàhadeva, well known since Satya‑yuga. After bestowing His mercy on Prahläda by killing Hiraëyakaçipu, the Lord came here to rest. “Brahmä and the other demigods made their houses here and formed a village. This village was established on öiläs , hillocks, here on the bank of the Mandäkiné River, and all the residents became absorbed in the worship of Nåsiàhadeva. According to the scriptures, this village in Navadvépa, named Çré Nåsiàha‑kñetra, is most purifying. “See here Surya‑öilä and Brahmä‑öilä and to the east was Nåsiàha‑öilä. The place is now transformed. See thereGaëeça‑öilä, and over there is Indra‑öilä. Though Viçvakarmä built hundreds of jeweled houses here, in time, all were destroyed, and the Mandäkiné dried up. Now only the hillocks mark the places. See these countless broken stones, the remnants of the temples. Again in the future, one devotee king will receive a drop of Nåsiàha’s mercy, and he will make a large temple, reinstall Nåsiàha, and take up service to Nåsiàha again. This is on the border of the Navadvépa parikramä within the sixteen kroças .” Giving up the net of mäyä and having only the wealth of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, this beggar, Bhaktivinoda, sings the glories of Navadvépa, which have no limit.

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