MHFA England Impact Report 2019

Profit with pride We make profit with pride because we reinvest in those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford quality training opportunities. We will continue to use the profit that we generated in 2018-19 to offer free courses, discounts and bursaries. Over the next two years (2019-21) we will offer this training to those who work with young people because half of mental ill health starts by age 15 1 . Early mental health intervention supports the wellbeing of the next generation. We believe in the power of social justice. We believe that everyone should have access to support for their mental health. We will offer training to those working in the sports and recreation sectors. There is evidence that young people would like to talk to their coaches with confidence. We can be part of a wider movement to transform mental health knowledge and skills in these sectors. Being a partner in the #21by21 campaign is an important part of this.

We will use our profit to offer:

It starts with us We will start with our own organisation. We do business the MHFA England way. We will demonstrate how an organisation committed to the wellbeing of its employees, members and those we work with can be a successful and profitable business. We will pilot innovative approaches to employee wellbeing and engagement. Our culture will influence the organisations we work with and our Instructor Members, who all have the power to make change happen. We want our training to create an unshakable belief that we can all talk freely about mental health and seek support when we need it. We will continually review our courses to learn from lived experiences, new research and innovation. We will keep an open conversation with our community to develop our products based on the evidence and feedback we receive.

1. Davies SC. Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2013, Public Mental Health Priorities: Investing in the Evidence. 2014.


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