PPA | 41 Pool Road



2.1 This site comprises land which currently forms part of the residential curtilage to no.

41 Pool Road.

2.2 The site is located within the defined housing development boundary in the East

Fringe of Bristol, in South Gloucestershire Council’s administrative area.


3.1 The site has the potential to accommodate a detached dwelling to the side of the

existing house (not for sale and to be retained in separate ownership).

3.2 The site is located within the defined housing development boundary and

consequently the principle of a new dwelling in this location accords with the

adopted spatial strategy (Core Strategy 2013 Policies CS5 ‘Location of

Development’ and CS15 ‘Distribution of Housing’; and Policy CS5 of the Policies,

Sites and Places Plan 2017).

3.3 The creation of a new dwelling in this location, being within an urban area, with

good accessibility to public transport, shops, services, education and employment,

would accord with the requirements of Policy PSP11, which seeks to direct new

development to sustainable, accessible locations, where the need to travel by car

is reduced. The policy identifies ‘appropriate’ walking and cycling distances to

different types of service/facility, which includes (inter alia) access to a bus stop

within 400m.

3.4 It is pertinent that planning permission was granted this year for a new detached

dwelling at no. 21 Sweets Road, which is approximately 150m (as the crow flies) from

no. 41 Pool Road (reference PK18/4988/F). Officers concluded that the proposal

complied with the spatial strategy and accessibility requirements in location terms.

These conclusions should, therefore, equally apply to a proposal for a new dwelling

at no. 41 Pool Road.

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