Leadership in Action - English - 202004

I may use the video chat. When they are looking at me washing dishes and hearing the kids, they know I’m a real person. I don’t want to be even slightly associated with spammy cold messaging. The other big way that I keep social media personal in a high-tech world is by doing 9:00 a.m. working video conference calls with my team. Most of the members of my team are all over the country, and there are some I may never see in person. They may live thousands of miles away, but I know them and their children. We see each others’ children, sometimes one sleeping in our arms, and I know their personal lives because I spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen with the camera on. I consider it part of my job to teach and empower my team to use social media in a personal way, even if they feel a little shy about it at first. I tell the hesitant ones, “If you learn to do it on social media, it will be a lot easier in person!”

National Director Kim Bertolucci Social media is my strong suit – the primary way that I build my business. There are billions of people on

Facebook, and to me, that’s just one big, gigantic contact list! We only have 7 000 residents in my small town. Why would I not use a platform like Facebook that gives me the ability to connect with so many people? The goal when using social media is to make people like you, let people love you, let people know you, and let people trust you. You want to let them get to know your authentic self. The way I do it is by using Facebook to show what my life looks like . I tell my team, “You want people to get a glimpse into your life. Pick five things that you love, that kind of define you, and talk about them on social media.” You want them to see your life, hear your voice, and see your face. People want to get to know you and what you’re doing! That way when an opportunity occurs to share with them about Melaleuca, they already know you and have a relationship with you.

Corporate Director 2 Heidi Bartolotta Social media is just another means of interacting with people. The same way you would naturally engage with others in person holds true in engaging with them on social media. If you wouldn’t walk up to a group of

When I make an approach about Melaleuca, it is 100% by voice

people and say something, then don’t say it on social media. Never use social media to make a sales pitch. If you were meeting with others in person to engage and interact, you’d listen to the conversation before joining in. With social media it’s the same, except you’re reading instead of listening. If you abide by in-person-appropriate social

memo. I want them to hear my voice and the voices of my kids in the background. When I follow up after a Melaleuca Overview or with Preferred Customers,

In a Digital Age KeepingIt Re l

behaviors, you’ll be appropriate on social media as well. It should serve as a conversation starter that evolves into an in-person connection if they live near enough.

The irony of social media is that sometimes it isn’t very social. Text messaging and words-only posts can leave people uncertain as to what you really mean and, more importantly, who you really are and what you’re really like. Research has found that 93% communication isn’t words. 1,2 It’s your voice – with all its variety of tones and emotion – combined with your facial expressions and body language. When someone can’t see your face or hear your voice, they are substantially hampered in making a connection with you. Read on to learn how three Marketing Executives create relationships that become true friendships by making a global communication system seem as up close and personal as a one-on-one conversation over coffee!




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